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Direct access: 聖霊 , 摂理 , 洗礼 , 創造 , 天使 , 天主 , 天道 , 伝道 , 背教 , 箱船


pronunciation: seirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: Holy Ghost [Spirit]
聖霊降臨節: seireikourinsetsu: Pentecost
related words: 精霊


pronunciation: setsuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: providence
摂理による: setsuriniyoru: providential
摂理によって: setsuriniyotte: providentially, by providence
神の摂理: kaminosetsuri: divine providence <<<
天の摂理: tennnosetsuri <<<


pronunciation: senrei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: baptism, christening
洗礼の: senreino: baptismal
洗礼を施す: senreiohodokosu: baptize, administer baptism (to) <<<
洗礼を受ける: senreioukeru: be baptized, be christened <<<
洗礼を受けていない: senreiouketeinai: unbaptized, unchristened
洗礼式: senreishiki: baptism (ceremony) <<<
洗礼者: senreisha: baptist <<<
洗礼堂: senreidou: baptistery <<<
洗礼所: senreisho <<<
洗礼名: senreimei: one's Christian [given, first] name <<<
洗礼衣: senreii: christening robe <<<
洗礼水: senreisui: baptismal water <<<
洗礼台: senreidai: baptismal font, baptisteries <<<


pronunciation: souzou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: art , christianity
translation: creation
創造する: souzousuru: create
創造的: souzouteki: creative <<<
創造の才: souzounosai: creative talents <<<
創造主: souzounushi: the Creator, God <<<
創造者: souzousha: creator, author <<<
創造力: souzouryoku: creative power, originality, creativity <<<
創造性: souzousei <<<
創造物: souzoubutsu: creature <<<


pronunciation: tenshi
kanji characters: , 使
keyword: christianity
translation: angel
天使の様な: tenshinoyouna: angelic <<<
天使の翼: tenshinotsubasa: angel's wing <<<
大天使: daitenshi: archangel <<<
堕天使: datenshi: fallen angel <<<
黒い天使: kuroitenshi: black angel <<<
死の天使: shinotenshi: angel of death <<<
synonyms: エンジェル


pronunciation: tenshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: God, The God Lord
天主教: tenshukyou: Roman Catholicism <<<
天主教会: tenshukyoukai: Roman Catholicism Church <<< 教会
天主教徒: tenshukyouto: a Roman Catholic <<< 教徒
related words: , カトリック


pronunciation: tentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: insect , christianity
translation: way of Heaven, Providence
天道虫: tentoumushi: ladybird, ladybug <<<


pronunciation: dendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: religious mission
伝道する: dendousuru: preach
伝道師: dendoushi: missionary <<<
伝道協会: dendoukyoukai: missionary society <<< 協会
synonyms: 宣教


pronunciation: haikyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: apostasy
背教の: haikyouno: apostate (a.)
背教者: haikyousha: apostate (n.), renegade, backslider <<<
related words: 改宗


pronunciation: hakobune
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 方舟
keyword: christianity
translation: ark

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