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Direct access: 脂質 , 脂肪 , 収縮 , 習性 , 種族 , 種類 , 植物 , 進化 , 受精 , 水族館


pronunciation: shishitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: fat, lipid
脂質の多い: shishitsunoooi: fatty <<<
related words: 脂肪


pronunciation: shibou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , food
translation: fat, grease, lard, suet
脂肪の多い: shibounoooi: fatty, greasy <<<
脂肪性の: shibouseino <<<
脂肪過多: shiboukata: obesity
脂肪太り: shiboubutori <<<
脂肪太りの: shiboubutorino: obese
脂肪が付く: shibougatsuku: put on fat <<<
脂肪分: shiboubun: fat content, fatty substance <<<
脂肪質: shiboushitsu <<< , 脂質
脂肪酸: shibousan: fatty acid <<<
脂肪組織: shibousoshiki: adipose tissue <<< 組織
related words: 蛋白 , 澱粉


pronunciation: shuushuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , medicine
translation: contraction, shrinking, retraction, deflation
収縮する: shuushukusuru: contract, shrink, retract, deflate
収縮性: shuushukusei: contractibility <<<
収縮筋: shuushukukin: contractile muscle <<<
収縮力: shuushukuryoku: contractile power <<<


pronunciation: shuusei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: habit, habitude, behavior
習性の: shuuseino: habitual
習性に成る: shuuseininaru: acquire, become a habitude <<<
related words: 習慣


pronunciation: shuzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: race, tribe, family
種族本能: shuzokuhonnnou: racial instinct <<< 本能


pronunciation: shurui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: kind, sort, variety, description, type, nature
種類が同じ: shuruigaonaji: be of the same kind <<<
種類が違う: shuruigachigau: be different in kind from <<<
種類別: shuruibetsu: classification <<<
種類別にする: shuruibetsunisuru: classify
related words: , 品種


pronunciation: shokubutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: plant , biology
translation: plant, vegetable, vegetation
植物の: shokubutsuno: vegetarian, vegetable, plant-based, botanical
植物性: shokubutsusei: vegetarian, vegetable, plant-based, vegetative <<<
植物油: shokubutsuyu: plant [vegetable] oil <<<
植物園: shokubutsuen: botanical garden <<<
植物界: shokubutsukai: vegetable kingdom <<<
植物学: shokubutsugaku: botany <<<
植物学者: shokubutsugakusha: botanist <<< 学者
植物標本: shokubutsuhyouhon: botanical specimen <<< 標本
植物採取: shokubutsusaishu: plant collection <<< 採取
植物採集: shokubutsusaishuu <<< 採集
植物人間: shokubutsuningen: person in a vegetative state, gork <<< 人間
植物栽培: shokubutsusaibai: plant breeding <<< 栽培
antonyms: 動物


pronunciation: shinka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology
translation: evolution, progress (n.), progression
進化する: shinkasuru: evolve, progress (v.)
進化論: shinkaron: theory of evolution, evolutionism, Darwinism <<<
進化論者: shinkaronsha: evolutionist, Darwinist <<<
antonyms: 退化


pronunciation: jusei
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 授精
keyword: biology
translation: fertilization, impregnation, pollination
受精する: juseisuru: be fertilized [impregnated, pollinated]
受精卵: juseiran: fertilized egg, zygote <<<


pronunciation: suizokukan
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: fish , biology , nature
translation: aquarium

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