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Direct access: 亀裂 , 均衡 , 逆行 , 逆転 , 駆動 , 研磨 , 粉々 , 細工 , 作動 , 仕掛


pronunciation: kiretsu
keyword: mechanics
translation: crack (n.), fissure (n.), crevice
亀裂する: kiretsusuru: crack (v.), fissure (v.), split
亀裂を生じる: kiretsuoshoujiru <<<
synonyms: クレバス , 割れ目


pronunciation: kinkou
keyword: mechanics
translation: balance, equilibrium
均衡を保つ: kinkouotamotsu: keep the balance <<<
均衡を失う: kinkououshinau: lose the balance <<<
均衡を破る: kinkouoyaburu: break the balance <<<
均衡が取れた: kinkougatoreta: balanced <<<
synonyms: バランス


pronunciation: gyakukou
keyword: mechanics
translation: backward movement [motion], regression
逆行する: gyakukousuru: go back, move backward, go against, regress
related words: 後進


pronunciation: gyakuten
keyword: sport , mechanics
translation: inversion, reversal
逆転する: gyakutensuru: turn, be reversed
逆転させる: gyakutensaseru: reverse
逆転層: gyakutensou: atmospheric inversion <<<


pronunciation: kudou
keyword: mechanics
translation: drive (n.), driving
駆動する: kudousuru: drive (v.), trigger
駆動力: kudouryoku: driving force <<<
駆動輪: kudourin: driving wheel <<<
駆動車輪: kudousharin <<< 車輪
駆動軸: kudoujiku: driving axle <<<
駆動車軸: kudoushajiku
駆動装置: kudousouchi: driving gear <<< 装置


pronunciation: kenma
keyword: mechanics
translation: grinding, polishing, abrasion
研磨する: kenmasuru: grind, polish
研磨機: kenmaki: grinder, polisher <<<
研磨剤: kenmazai: abrasive <<<
研磨紙: kenmashi: sandpaper, emery paper <<<


pronunciation: konagona
other spells: 粉粉
keyword: mechanics
translation: pulverized [smashed] state
粉々にする: konagonanisuru: break (a thing) to pieces, pulverize, smash (vt.)
粉々に砕く: konagonanikudaku <<<
粉々に成る: konagonaninaru: be pulverized, smash (vi.) <<<
related words: 粉砕


pronunciation: saiku
keyword: mechanics , decoration
translation: workmanship, handiwork, manipulation
細工する: saikusuru: tool (v.), work detail, manipulate
細工が良い: saikugaii: be of good workmanship <<<
細工が悪い: saikugawarui: be of bad workmanship <<<
細工場: saikuba: workshop, workroom <<< , アトリエ
細工人: saikunin: worker, artisan <<<
貝細工: kaizaiku: shellwork <<<
手細工: tezaiku: handwork <<<
籐細工: touzaiku: rattan work
竹細工: takezaiku: bamboo work <<<
不細工な: busaikuna: awkward, clumsy, badly-made, plain-looking, homely <<<
related words: 工作 , 絡繰


pronunciation: sadou
keyword: mechanics
translation: operation
作動する: sadousuru: operate, move, come into action
作動圧力: sadouatsuryoku: operating pressure, working pressure <<< 圧力
synonyms: 動作


pronunciation: shikake
keyword: mechanics
translation: contrivance, device, mechanism
仕掛ける: shikakeru: begin (to do), commence (doing, to do), set about (one's work, doing), set up, install
仕掛花火: shikakehanabi: a set piece of fireworks <<< 花火
仕掛爆弾: shikakebakudan: time bomb <<< 爆弾
大仕掛けの: oojikakeno: of a large scale <<<
罠を仕掛ける: wanaoshikakeru: set a trap (for) <<<
related words: 絡繰

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