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Direct access: , 斡旋 , 天下り , 移住 , 委託 , 移民 , 引退 , 受持 , 屋内 , 遅番

category: JIS1
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 10
translation: strike, beat, hit, progress
choku, ho
捗つ: utsu: strike, beat, hit <<< ,
捗める: osameru: store, deliver, supply <<< ,
捗る: hakadoru: get along, make progress, go ahead, make way
捗らせる: hakadoraseru: speed up, expedite
Kanji words:


pronunciation: assen
keyword: job
translation: intercession, recommendation, good offices, mediation, conciliation, reconciliation
斡旋する: assensuru: recommend, mediate, fix up
斡旋者: assensha: intercessor, mediator, agent <<<
斡旋案: assennan: reconciliation plan <<<
related words: 仲介


pronunciation: amakudari
keyword: job
translation: revolving-door, appointment due to influence from above
天下り人事: amakudarijinji: highhanded personnel administration <<< 人事


pronunciation: ijuu
keyword: job
translation: migration, emigration, immigration
移住する: ijuusuru: emigrate (to, into), immigrate (from), settle (in), move (to)
移住民: ijuumin: settler, colonist, emigrant, immigrant <<<
移住者: ijuusha <<<
synonyms: 移民 , 植民


pronunciation: itaku
keyword: job
translation: trust, consignment
委託する: itakusuru: entrust, consign
委託者: itakusha: truster, consignor <<<
委託金: itakukin: money in trust <<<
委託品: itakuhin: consigned goods <<<
委託販売: itakuhanbai: commission sale <<< 販売
related words: 委任


pronunciation: imin
keyword: job
translation: emigration, immigration, emigrant, immigrant
移民する: iminsuru: emigrate (to, into), immigrate (from)
移民官: iminkan: immigration officer <<<
移民船: iminsen: emigrant ship <<<
移民法: iminhou: immigration law <<<
移民政策: iminseisaku: immigration policy <<< 政策
synonyms: 移住


pronunciation: intai
keyword: job
translation: retirement
引退する: intaisuru: retire (from), return to private life
引退した: intaishita: in retirement
related words: 退職


pronunciation: ukemochi
other spells: 受け持
keyword: job
translation: charge, assignment
受持つ: ukemotsu: take [be in] charge of, have (a matter) under one's charge
受持教師: ukemochikyoushi: teacher in charge (of), class [homeroom] teacher <<< 教師
受持区域: ukemochikuiki: district assigned [allotted] to one, one's beat, one's territory <<< 区域
受持時間: ukemochijikan: one's teaching [class] hours <<< 時間


pronunciation: okunai
keyword: sport , job
translation: inside of a house
屋内の: okunaino: indoor
屋内で: okunaide: indoors
屋内勤務: okunaikinmu: indoor service <<< 勤務
屋内労働: okunairoudou: indoor labor <<< 労働
屋内遊戯: okunaiyuugi: indoor games <<< 遊戯
屋内体操場: okunaitaisoujou: gymnasium, gym <<< ジム
屋内運動場: okunaiundoujou
屋内スポーツ: okunaisupootsu: indoor sport
屋内プール: okunaipuuru: indoor pool
related words: 屋外 , 室内


pronunciation: osoban
keyword: job
translation: second [late] shift
related words: 早番

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