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Direct access: 掛金 , 貸倒れ , 課税 , 金貸 , 株主 , 為替 , 外貨 , 外資 , 元本 , 寄託


pronunciation: kakegane, kakekin
other spells: 掛け金
keyword: tool , finance
translation: latch (n.); installment, premium
掛金を掛ける: kakeganeokakeru: latch (v.) <<<
掛金を外す: kakeganeohazusu: unlatch <<<
掛金をする: kakekinnosuru: pay in [by] installments
related words:


pronunciation: kashidaore
keyword: finance
translation: dead loan, bad debt
貸倒れに成る: kashidaoreninaru: become irrecoverable <<<


pronunciation: kazei
keyword: accounting , finance
translation: taxation, assessment, tax (n.), duty
課税する: kazeisuru: impose a tax (on), tax (v.)
課税品: kazeihin: taxable [dutiable] article <<<
課税率: kazeiritsu: tax rates <<<
課税基準: kazeikijun: basis of assessment <<< 基準
課税控除: kazeikoujo: tax deduction <<< 控除
課税免除: kazeimenjo: tax exemption <<< 免除
課税所得: kazeishotoku: taxable income <<< 所得
課税対象: kazaitaishou: taxables <<< 対象
非課税: hikazei: tax exemption <<<
非課税の: hikazeino: taxless, non-taxable, tax-exempt, tax-free
related words: 税金


pronunciation: kanekashi
keyword: finance
translation: moneylender, usurer
金貸をする: kanekashiosuru: lend out money, loan money, practice usury
金貸業: kanekashigyou: moneylending, usury <<<


pronunciation: kabunushi
keyword: finance
translation: stockholder, shareholder
株主総会: kabunushisoukai: general meeting of stockholders
株主名簿: kabunushimeibo: list of shareholders
株主団体: kabunushidantai: association of shareholders <<< 団体
株主配当金: kabunushihaitoukin: dividends to stockholders
大株主: ookabunushi: large shareholder <<<
related words: 株式


pronunciation: kawase
keyword: finance , economy
translation: exchange, money order
為替を組む: kawaseokumu: draw a money order <<<
為替を振出す: kawaseohuridasu <<< 振出
為替を送金する: kawaseosoukinsuru: remit money order <<< 送金
為替を現金化する: kawaseogenkinkasuru: cash a money-order, have a money order cashed
為替を現金に換える: kawaseogenkinnnikaeru
為替市場: kawaseshijou: exchange market <<< 市場
為替相場: kawasesouba: exchange rate <<< 相場
為替レート: kawasereeto
為替管理: kawasekanri: exchange control [regulation] <<< 管理
為替手形: kawasetegata: bill of exchange, draft <<< 手形
為替取引: kawasetorihiki: exchange dealing <<< 取引
為替振出人: kawasehuridashinin: drawer
為替受取人: kawaseuketorinin: payee
為替差益: kawasesaeki: exchange profit
為替差損: kawasesason: exchange loss
related words: 送金


pronunciation: gaika
keyword: finance , economy
translation: foreign currency, exchange
外貨建て: gaikadate: transaction [payment] with [in] foreign currency, foreign exchange transaction <<<
外貨を獲得する: gaikaokakutokusuru: obtain foreign currency <<< 獲得
外貨獲得: gaikakakutoku: acquisition of foreign currency
外貨予算: gaikayosan: foreign exchange budget <<< 予算
外貨手形: gaikategata: foreign currency bill <<< 手形
外貨換算: gaikakansan: foreign currency translation
外貨貯金: gaikachokin: foreign currency deposit <<< 貯金
外貨準備高: gaikajunbidaka: foreign exchange reserves
外貨保有高: gaikahoyuudaka: foreign currency holdings
related words: 為替


pronunciation: gaishi
keyword: finance , economy
translation: foreign capital
外資導入: gaishidounyuu: introduction of foreign capital <<< 導入
外資流入: gaishiryuunyuu: influx of foreign capital <<< 流入


pronunciation: ganpon
keyword: finance
translation: capital, principal


pronunciation: kitaku
keyword: finance
translation: deposition
寄託する: kitakusuru: deposit (a thing with a person), entrust (a person with a thing), commit (a thing) to the care (of)
寄託者: kitakusha: depositor, truster <<<
寄託物: kitakubutsu: deposit (n.) <<<
寄託金: kitakukin: deposit money <<<
寄託証書: kitakushousho: deposit certificate <<< 証書
related words: 委託

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