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Direct access: 平和 , 偏見 , 変動 , 法案 , 方針 , 法律 , 鉾先 , 保護 , 補佐 , 保守


pronunciation: heiwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: peace
平和的: heiwateki: peaceful, pacific <<<
平和な: heiwana
平和に: heiwani: peacefully, at peace, in peace
平和を破る: heiwaoyaburu: break [disturb] peace <<<
平和主義: heiwashugi: pacifism <<< 主義
平和主義者: heiwashugisha: pacifist <<<
平和革命: heiwakakumei: bloodless revolution <<< 革命
平和攻勢: heiwakousei: peace offensive <<< 攻勢
平和条約: heiwajouyaku: peace treaty <<< 条約
平和運動: heiwaundou: pacifist movement <<< 運動
related words: 和平 , 平穏


pronunciation: henken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: prejudice, bias, prejudiced view
偏見有る: henkennaru: prejudiced, biased, partial, unfair <<<
偏見無い: henkennnai: unprejudiced, unbiased, impartial, fair <<<
偏見を抱く: henkennoidaku: have a prejudice against, be prejudiced (biased) against <<<
偏見を持つ: henkennomotsu <<<


pronunciation: hendou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: change, alteration, variation, fluctuations
変動する: hendousuru: change, alter, vary, fluctuate
変動が激しい: hendougahageshii: be subject to wide fluctuations <<<
変動所得: hendoushotoku: fluctuating income <<< 所得
大変動: daihendou: violent [radical] change, cataclysm, catastrophe, upheaval <<< , カタストロフィー
synonyms: 変化


pronunciation: houan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: (legislative) bill, measure
法案を提出する: houannoteishutsusuru: introduce (bring, submit) a bill <<< 提出
法案を可決する: houannokaketsusuru: pass a bill <<< 可決
法案を否決する: houannohiketsusuru: reject a bill <<< 否決


pronunciation: houshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: principle, policy, course, object, aim
方針を定める: houshinnosadameru: shape (map out) one's course <<<
方針を誤る: houshinnoayamaru: take a wrong course (of action) <<<
方針通りに: houshindourini: as scheduled (arranged, planed) <<<


pronunciation: houritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , law
translation: law, legislation
法律の: houritsuno: legal, juridical
法律上の: houritsujouno <<<
法律に反した: houritsunihanshita: unlawful, illegal <<<
法律に明るい: houritsuniakarui: be learned in the law <<<
法律を守る: houritsuomamoru: observe [keep] the law <<<
法律を破る: houritsuoyaburu: break [violate] the law <<<
法律に違反する: houritsuniihansuru <<< 違反
法律に訴える: houritsuniuttaeru: go to law <<<
法律家: houritsuka: lawyer <<<
法律学: houritsugaku: science of law, jurisprudence <<<
法律顧問: houritsukomon: legal adviser <<< 顧問
法律問題: houritsumondai: legal question <<< 問題
法律違反: houritsuihan: breach of the law <<< 違反
法律相談: houritsusoudan: legal advice <<< 相談
法律事務所: houritsujimusho: law office
related words: , 法令 , 法学 , 法規


pronunciation: hokosaki
kanji characters:
keyword: politics
translation: force [point, cogency] of arguments


pronunciation: hogo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , nature
translation: protection, conservation
保護する: hogosuru: protect, guard
保護を受ける: hogooukeru: be protected by, be under a person's protection <<<
保護を求める: hogoomotomeru: ask a protection, seek sanctuary <<<
保護者: hogosha: curator, custodian, protector, guardian, tutor <<<
保護国: hogokoku: protectorate <<<
保護領: hogoryou <<<
保護林: hogorin: preserved forest <<<
保護色: hogoshoku: protective color [coloring] <<<
保護鳥: hagochou: protected bird <<<
保護関税: hogokanzei: protective duty <<< 関税
保護貿易: hogoboueki: protected [protective] trade <<< 貿易
related words: 援護 , 擁護 , 庇護


pronunciation: hosa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: assistance
補佐する: hosasuru: assist, aid (v.)
補佐役: hosayaku: assistant <<<
補佐官: hosakan: aide, deputy (in the government) <<<


pronunciation: hoshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , industry
translation: conservatism, maintenance
保守する: hoshusuru: maintain, conserve
保守的: hoshuteki: conservative (a.) <<<
保守系: hoshukei: conservative affiliated <<<
保守党: hoshutou: conservative party <<<
保守党員: hoshutouin: conservative (n.) <<<
保守勢力: hoshuseiryoku: conservative force <<< 勢力
保守主義: hoshushugi: conservatism <<< 主義
保守陣営: hoshujinnei: conservative camp
synonyms: 整備 , 維持 , メンテナンス

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