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Direct access: 反戦 , 反対 , 反動 , 反発 , 反論 , 否決 , 非常 , 非難 , 表明 , 日和


pronunciation: hansen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: antiwar
反戦論: hansenron: pacifism <<<
反戦論者: hansenronsha: pacifist <<<
反戦主義: hansenshugi: pacifism <<< 主義
反戦運動: hansennundou: pacifist movement <<< 運動
反戦デモ: hansendemo: antiwar demonstration


pronunciation: hantai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: opposite, reverse, against
反対する: hantaisuru: oppose, be against, dissent
反対の: hantaino: opposite to, hostile to, antagonistic, contrary to, averse to
反対に: hantaini: in the opposite direction, the other way, conversely, on the contrary
反対に会う: hantainiau: meet with opposition <<<
反対側: hantaigawa: opposite side <<<
反対者: hantaisha: opponent, objector, dissenter <<<
反対党: hantaitou: opposition party <<<
反対語: hantaigo: antonym <<<
反対運動: hantaiundou: opposition movement <<< 運動
反対意見: hantaiiken: opposite opinion <<< 意見
反対尋問: hantaijinmon: cross-examination <<< 尋問
反対勢力: hantaiseiryoku: counterinfluence <<< 勢力
反対動議: hantaidougi: counter motion, cross-motion <<< 動議
反対投票: hantaitouhyou: negative vote <<< 投票
antonyms: 賛成


pronunciation: handou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , economy
translation: reaction
反動で: handoude: as a reaction
反動する: handousuru
反動的な: handoutekina: reactionary (a.) <<<
反動高: handoudaka: rise by reaction <<<
反動安: handouyasu: fall by reaction <<<
反動思想: handoushisou: reactionary idea <<< 思想
反動主義: handoushugi: reaction, reactionary doctrine (principle) <<< 主義
反動主義者: handoushugisha: reactionary (n.), reactionist <<<
related words: 反発


pronunciation: hanpatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: physics , politics
translation: repulsion, opposition, resistance
反発する: hanpatsusuru: repel, resist, oppose
反発力: hanpatsuryoku: repulsion (force) <<<
反発力の有る: hanpatsuryokunoaru: resilient, elastic <<<


pronunciation: hanron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: objection, argument, argumentation, contradiction, refutation
反論する: hanronsuru: object, argue, contradict, refute


pronunciation: hiketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: rejection
否決する: hiketsusuru: reject, decide against, turn down, vote down
否決される: hiketsusareru: be rejected
antonyms: 可決


pronunciation: hijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: security , politics
translation: emergency
非常な: hijouna: extraordinary, extreme, great, awful
非常に: hijouni: very, very much, greatly, extremely, exceedingly, awfully, unusually
非常口: hijouguchi: emergency exit <<<
非常線: hijousen: police cordon <<<
非常時: hijouji: emergency time, crisis, state of emergency <<<
非常事態: hijoujitai <<< 事態
非常階段: hijoukaidan: fire escape <<< 階段
非常警報: hijoukeihou: alarm bell <<< 警報
非常召集: hijoushoushuu: emergency call
非常手段: hijoushudan: emergency [drastic] measure <<< 手段
related words: 大変


pronunciation: hinan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: accusation, blame (n.), reproach (n.), criticism, denunciation, diatribe
非難する: hinansuru: accuse, blame (v.), reproach (v.), criticize, denounce, pummel
非難すべき: hinansubeki: blamable, blameworthy


pronunciation: hyoumei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: manifestation, announcement, declaration, enunciation
表明する: hyoumeisuru: manifest, announce, declare, enunciate


pronunciation: hiyori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , politics
translation: fair weather, situation
日和見: hiyorimi: timeserving <<<
日和見する: hiyorimisuru: consult weather, straddle
日和見主義: hiyorimishugi: opportunism <<< 主義
日和見主義者: hiyorimishugisha: opportunist, fence-sitter, timeserver

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