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Direct access: 用事 , 力量 , 離職 , 臨時 , 労災 , 労働 , 浪人 , 労力 , 割当 ,


pronunciation: youji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: business, engagement
用事で: youjide: on business, on an errand
用事が有る: youjigaaru: have something to do, be engaged <<<
用事が無い: youjiganai: be free, have nothing to do <<<
用事を果たす: youjiohatasu: finish [carry out] one's work <<<
用事を済ます: youjiosumasu <<<
related words: 用件


pronunciation: rikiryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: ability, talent, capacity
力量の有る: rikiryounoaru: able, capable, competent <<< , 有能
related words: 才能 , 手腕


pronunciation: rishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: job abandonment
離職する: rishokusuru: leave [quit] one's job, lose employment


pronunciation: rinji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: transport , politics , job
translation: extra (n.), special, exception
臨時の: rinjino: temporary, provisional, special, extraordinary, casual
臨時に: rinjini: temporarily, provisionally, specially
臨時雇い: rinjiyatoi: part-time job, part-timer, temporary employee, extra hand <<<
臨時便: rinjibin: special train, plane, ship <<< 便
臨時国会: rinjikokkai: extraordinary session of the diet <<< 国会
臨時政府: rinjiseihu: provisional government <<< 政府
臨時閣議: rinjikakugi: extraordinary cabinet council
臨時休業: rinjikyuugyou: extra holiday <<< 休業
臨時列車: rinjiressha: special train <<< 列車
臨時ニュース: rinjinyuusu: news flash, breaking news
related words: 暫定


pronunciation: rousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: accident at work, occupational accident, industrial injury
労災保険: rousaihoken: workmen's accident compensation insurance <<< 保険


pronunciation: roudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , job
translation: physical work, labor (n.)
労働する: roudousuru: work (v.), labor (v.)
労働党: roudoutou: Labor Party <<<
労働省: roudoushou: Ministry of Labor <<<
労働者: roudousha: laborer, working man <<<
労働力: roudouryoku: manpower, labor force <<<
労働組合: roudoukumiai: labor union <<< 組合
労働市場: roudoushijou: labor market <<< 市場
労働運動: roudouundou: labor movement <<< 運動
労働階級: roudoukaikyuu: laboring (working) classes <<< 階級
労働時間: roudoujikan: working hours (time) <<< 時間
related words: 勤労


pronunciation: rounin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history , job
translation: man out of employment, student without enrolling university, masterless samurai
浪人中: rouninchuu: without employment [enrolling university] <<<
浪人に成る: rouninnninaru: lose an employment, become jobless <<<
related words: 現役 ,


pronunciation: rouryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: labor, exertion, effort, hassle (n.)
労力を費やす: rouryokuotsuiyasu: make an effort, hassle (v.) <<<
労力を省く: rouryokuohabuku: save pains <<<
労力を惜しむ: rouryokuooshimu <<<
related words: 苦心 , 努力 , 丹精 , 手間


pronunciation: wariate
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 割り当
keyword: business , job
translation: assignment, allotment, distribution
割当る: wariateru: assign, allot, allocate
割当量: wariateryou: a quota, an allotment <<<
割当額: wariategaku: allotted amount <<<
割当制度: wariateseido: quota system <<< 制度

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 3
translation: clerk, master, warrior, soldier
shi, ji
士: samurai: warrior, soldier
Kanji words: 士官 , 剣士 , 博士 , 学士 , 兵士 , 力士 , 税理士 , 計理士 , 同士 , 騎士 , 修士 , 策士 , 富士 , 闘士 , 戦士 , 武士 , 紳士 , 銃士 , 士気
Expressions: 作業療法士 , 有能な士 , 宇宙飛行士 , 機関士 , 法学士 , 農学士 , 闘牛士 , 工学士 , 看護士 , 会計士 , 航海士 , 弁護士 , 建築士 , 操縦士 , 税務士 , 洋裁士 , 和裁士 , 消防士 , 栄養士 , 修道士 , 税理士 , 心理士 , 同好の士 , 運転士 , 飛行士

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