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Direct access: 市街 , 市庁 , 市内 , 市民 , 車道 , 住所 , 住民 , 水道 , 銭湯 , 断水


pronunciation: shigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: street
市街戦: shigaisen: street fighting <<<
市街地: shigaichi: city area <<<
市街鉄道: shigaitetsudou: street railway, tramway <<< 鉄道
市街電車: shigaidensha <<< 電車
旧市街: kyuushigai: old city [downtown], historic city [downtown] <<<
synonyms: 市内


pronunciation: shichou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: municipal office, city hall
related words: 市長


pronunciation: shinai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: city (n.)
市内の: shinaino: local, city (a.)
市内で: shinaide: in (within, inside) city
市内版: shinaiban: city edition <<<
市内電車: shinaidensha: tram, streetcar <<< 電車
市内通話: shinaitsuuwa: local call
市内配達: shinaihaitatsu: city delivery <<< 配達
旧市内: kyuushinai: old town center <<<
related words: 郊外 , 市外


pronunciation: shimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration , town
translation: citizen, civilian
市民の: shiminnno: civil
市民権: shiminken: civil right <<<
市民税: shiminzei: citizen tax <<<
市民大会: shimintaikai: mass meeting of citizens <<< 大会
市民教育: shiminkyouiku: civic education <<< 教育
市民階級: shiminkaikyuu: bourgeoisie <<< 階級
市民劇場: shimingekijou: city theater, municipal theatre <<< 劇場
全市民: zenshimin: all citizens (of a city) <<<
related words: 住民 , 町民 , 区民 , ブルジョア


pronunciation: shadou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: roadway
antonyms: 歩道


pronunciation: juusho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: one's dwelling [place], one's address
住所を定める: juushoosadameru: take up one's residence, fix one's abode <<<
住所を偽る: juushooitsuwaru: give a false address <<<
住所録: juushoroku: address book [directory] <<<
住所不定: juushohutei: have no fixed abode
住所姓名: juushoseimei: one's name and address <<< 姓名
住所不明: juushohumei: address unknown <<< 不明
住所変更: juushohenkou: change of address <<< 変更
住所変更届: juushohenkoutodoke: report on one's removal, notify a change in address <<<
現住所: genjuusho: present address <<<
related words: 番地 , アドレス


pronunciation: juumin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: resident, inhabitant
住民税: juuminzei: inhabitants' tax <<<
住民票: juuminhyou: resident card <<<
住民登録: juumintouroku: resident registration <<< 登録
住民投票: juumintouhyou: referendum <<< 投票
住民運動: juuminnundou: citizens' initiative, action group <<< 運動
先住民: senjuumin: aborigine, autochthon, native <<<
synonyms: 住人


pronunciation: suidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , town , geography
translation: water supply, water service, waterworks, (sea) channel
水道の水: suidounomizu: city water, tap-water <<<
水道を引く: suidouohiku: have water (pipes) laid, have water supplied, lay on water <<<
水道管: suidoukan: water pipe <<<
水道栓: suidousen: hydrant, house tap <<<
水道局: suidoukyoku: waterworks bureau <<<
水道料: suidouryou: water rates [charges] <<<
水道料金: suidouryoukin <<< 料金
水道工事: suidoukouji: water supply works, laying on water <<< 工事
水道設備: suidousetsubi: water conveyance <<< 設備
水道会社: suidougaisha: water (service) company <<< 会社
related words: 海峡 , 下水


pronunciation: sentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: bathhouse, public bath
related words: 風呂


pronunciation: dansui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: suspension of water supply
断水する: dansuisuru: The water supply is suspended [cut off]

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