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Direct access: 左右 , 正面 , 所在 , 縦横 , 上下 , 上方 , 頭上 , 先頭 , 前後 , 前方


pronunciation: sayuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: right and left
左右に: sayuuni: on right and left, on both sides [either side], from side to side
左右する: sayuusuru: dominate, sway, control
左右される: sayuusareru: be under the influence, be subject to sth., be depending on
左右を見る: sayuuomiru: look right and left, glance about <<<
言を左右にする: gennosayuunisuru: beat about the bush, dodge, make excuses, prevaricate <<<


pronunciation: shoumen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: front, face
正面の: shoumennno: front (a.), frontal
正面の壁: shoumennnokabe: front wall <<<
正面に: shoumennni: in front of
正面から: shoumenkara: from front
正面図: shoumenzu: front [frontal] view <<<
正面攻撃: shoumenkougeki: frontal attack <<< 攻撃
正面行進: shoumenkoushin: frontal advance <<< 行進
正面桟敷: shoumensajiki: dress circle <<< 桟敷
正面衝突: shoumenshoutotsu: head-on collision <<< 衝突
正面玄関: shoumengenkan: front [main] entrance <<< 玄関
正面入口: shoumenniriguchi <<< 入口
正面広場: shoumenhiroba: court of honor <<< 広場
真正面: mashoumen: direct front <<<
真正面に: mashoumennni: right in front (of), just opposite (to)
synonyms: 前面


pronunciation: shozai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: one's whereabouts, location, position
所在地: shozaichi: seat <<<
所在を晦ます: shozaiokuramasu: conceal one's whereabouts
synonyms: 位置
related words: 場所


pronunciation: juuou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: vertical and horizontal
縦横に: juuouni: vertically and horizontally, lengthwise and crosswise, in all directions, in every direction
縦横無尽: juuoumujin: (move) freely, at will
related words: 四方


pronunciation: jouge
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: upper and lower sides, top and bottom
上下に: jougeni: up and down, upward and downward
上下する: jougesuru: go up and down, rise and fall, fluctuate
上下の別無く: jougenobetsunaku: both high and low, irrespective of rank
上下動: jougedou: up-and-down motion, vertical shock <<<
上下線: jougesen: up and down lines [tracks], lines in both directions <<<


pronunciation: jouhou, kamigata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: upper part, Kyoto region (where Japanese Emperors had settled)
上方の: jouhouno: upper
上方に: jouhouni: above, upward (adv.)
antonyms: 下方
related words: 京都


pronunciation: zujou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: upon [over, above] the head, overhead
頭上に: zujouni
頭上に落ちる: zujouniochiru: fall on one's head <<<
頭上を見上げる: zujouomiageru: look overhead


pronunciation: sentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: head (n.), lead
先頭に立つ: sentounitatsu: head (v.), lead, take the lead <<<
先頭打者: sentoudasha: lead-off batter, first batter <<< 打者
先頭部隊: sentoubutai: van, leading troop <<< 部隊


pronunciation: zengo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: before and behind, before and after, around
前後する: zengosuru: be inverted [reversed], get mixed up
話が前後する: hanashigazengosuru: get confused in one's talk <<<
前後して: zengoshite: at about the same time
前後に動かす: zengoniugokasu: move back and forth <<<
前後を弁えず: zengoowakimaezu: undiscriminatingly, thoughtlessly, rashly, without thinking <<<
前後を忘れる: zengoowasureru: forget oneself, be beside oneself <<<
前後を通じて: zengootsuujite: from the first to the last, throughout <<<
前後を見回す: zengoomimawasu: look around
前後関係: zengokankei: context <<< 関係


pronunciation: zenpou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , war
translation: front (n.)
前方の: zenpouno: front (a.), in front, at the front
前方に: zenpouni: ahead, in front (of), forward
前方へ: zenpoue: ahead, forward
前方を見よ: zenpouomiyo: Look ahead <<<
related words: 後方

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