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Direct access: 斬首 , 仕置 , 死刑 , 司法 , 釈放 , 出頭 , 証言 , 証拠 , 証人 , 処刑


pronunciation: zanshu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: decapitation
斬首する: zanshusuru: decapitate


pronunciation: shioki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: punishment, execution
仕置する: shiokisuru: punish, execute
仕置場: shiokiba: place of execution <<<
御仕置: oshioki: scolding <<<


pronunciation: shikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: death penalty, capital punishment
死刑の: shikeino: capital (punishment)
死刑にする: shikeinisuru: execute
死刑囚: shikeishuu: condemned (to death) <<<
死刑台: shikeidai: scaffold <<<
死刑台に上る: shikeidaininoboru: ascend the scaffold <<<
死刑執行: shikeishikkou: execution <<< 執行
死刑執行人: shikeishikkounin: hangman, executioner, headsman <<<
死刑宣言: shikeisengen: death sentence <<< 宣言
死刑廃止: shikeihaishi: abolition of capital punishment <<< 廃止
related words: 処刑


pronunciation: shihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: (administration of) justice
司法の: shihouno: judicial, judiciary, juridical
司法官: shihoukan: judicial officer <<<
司法省: shihoushou: ministry of justice, department of justice <<<
司法権: shihouken: jurisdiction, judicature <<<
司法当局: shihoutoukyoku: judicial authorities <<< 当局
司法警察: shihoukeisatsu: judicial police <<< 警察
司法書士: shihoushoshi: judicial scrivener
司法大臣: shihoudaijin: minister of justice <<< 大臣
司法長官: shihouchoukan: attorney general <<< 長官
司法行政: shihougyousei: judicial administration <<< 行政


pronunciation: shakuhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: release (n.), discharge
釈放する: shakuhousuru: set free, release (v.), discharge
仮釈放: karishakuhou: release on parole <<<
仮釈放する: karishakuhousuru: release [put] (a person) on parole


pronunciation: shuttou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: appearance, presence, attendance
出頭する: shuttousuru: appear (before the court), present oneself, report (to, at), attend


pronunciation: shougen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: testimony, verbal evidence
証言する: shougensuru: testify, give evidence, bear witness
証言者: shougensha: witness <<< , 証人
証言書: shougensho: written testimony <<<
証言台: shougendai: witness stand <<<
証言台に立つ: shougendainitatsu: take the witness stand <<<


pronunciation: shouko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: evidence, proof, demonstration, testimony
証拠と成る: shoukotonaru: prove, testify, bear witness to, give a proof of, demonstrate, attest <<<
証拠立てる: shoukodateru <<<
証拠固めをする: shoukogatameosuru: gather (collect) evidence <<<
証拠品: shoukohin: piece of evidence <<<
証拠物件: shoukobukken <<< 物件
証拠人: shoukonin: witness <<<
証拠金: shoukokin: deposit money <<<
証拠書類: shoukoshorui: documentary evidence <<< 書類
論より証拠: ronnyorishouko: The proof of the pudding is in the eating <<<
related words: 証人


pronunciation: shounin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: witness, evidence
証人に立つ: shouninnnitatsu: bear witness, testify <<<
証人に成る: shouninnninaru <<<
証人席: shouninseki: witness stand, witness box <<<
証人台: shounindai <<<
証人尋問: shouninjinmon: questioning of the witness <<< 尋問
証人召喚: shouninshoukan: witness summons <<< 召喚
related words: 証拠


pronunciation: shokei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: execution
処刑する: shokeisuru: execute
処刑台: shokeidai: scaffold, gallows <<<
related words: 死刑

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