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Direct access: 求職 , 休職 , 求人 , 給与 , 急用 , 休養 , 給料 , 協力 , 局長 , 勤勉


pronunciation: kyuushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: job hunting
求職する: kyuushokusuru: look [seek] for a job
求職者: kyuushokusha: job hunter, applicant (for a position) <<<
求職広告: kyuushokukoukoku: advertise for a situation, want ad <<< 広告
求職広告欄: kyuushokukoukokuran: situation wanted column <<<
related words: 求人


pronunciation: kyuushoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: suspension from office [duty]
休職する: kyuushokusuru: cease to work, report sick
休職にする: kyuushokunisuru: suspend a person from office [duty]
休職給: kyuushokukyuu: waiting pay <<<
休職手当: kyuushokuteate <<< 手当


pronunciation: kyuujin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: offer of a situation, help wanted
求人主: kyuujinnnushi: job advertiser <<<
求人広告: kyuujinkoukoku: job advertisement, want ad <<< 広告
求人応募者: kyuujinoubosha: applicant for a job [position], applicant for employment
related words: 求職


pronunciation: kyuuyo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: supply (n.), allowance, salary, wages
給与する: kyuuyosuru: allow, supply
給与金: kyuuyokin: allowance, grant <<<
給与税: kyuuyozei: payroll taxes <<<
給与改定: kyuuyokaitei: pay [wage] increase <<< 改定
給与所得: kyuuyoshotoku: earned income <<< 所得
給与所得者: kyuuyoshotokusha: wage earner <<<
給与審査: kyuuyoshinsa: salary review <<< 審査
給与明細: kyuuyomeisai: payslip <<< 明細
給与水準: kyuuyosuijun: wage level <<< 水準
給与体系: kyuuyotaikei: wage system <<< 体系
related words: 給料


pronunciation: kyuuyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: urgent [pressing] business
急用で: kyuuyoude: on urgent business
急用の場合: kyuuyounobaai: in case of emergency <<< 場合


pronunciation: kyuuyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: rest, recreation
休養する: kyuuyousuru: take a rest, repose, recruit
休養を取る: kyuuyouotoru <<<
休養日: kyuuyoubi: day off, rest [resting] day <<<
休養室: kyuuyoushitsu: holding area, recreation room, staffroom <<<
休養旅行: kyuuyouryokou: convalescent trip <<< 旅行
related words: 休憩 , 休息


pronunciation: kyuuryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: salary, pay
給料を払う: kyuuryouoharau: pay salary, wages <<<
給料を貰う: kyuuryouomorau: receive one's salary, be paid <<<
給料を受け取る: kyuuryououketoru
給料が高い: kyuuryougatakai: be well paid <<<
給料が良い: kyuuryougayoi <<<
給料が低い: kyuuryougahikui: be poorly paid <<<
給料が悪い: kyuuryougawarui <<<
給料を上げる: kyuuryouoageru: raise [increase] wages <<<
給料を下げる: kyuuryouosageru: reduce [decrease] wages <<<
給料日: kyuuryoubi: payday <<<
給料袋: kyuuryoubukuro: pay envelope <<<
related words: 賃金 , 報酬 , 給与


pronunciation: kyouryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: cooperation, collaboration
協力する: kyouryokusuru: cooperate, collaborate
協力者: kyouryokusha: cooperator, collaborator <<<
synonyms: 援助


pronunciation: kyokuchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: director of a bureau, chief of an office, postmaster
related words: 部長


pronunciation: kinben
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: industry, diligence, assiduity
勤勉な: kinbennna: industrious, assiduous, hardworking, serious
勤勉に: kinbennni: industriously, assiduously, seriously
勤勉家: kinbeka: hard [diligent] worker, wonk <<<
synonyms: 真面目

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