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Direct access: 掛値 , 合併 , 起業 , 企業 , 毀損 , 規約 , 供給 , 競売 , 禁輸 , 業者


pronunciation: kakene
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 掛け値
keyword: business
translation: overcharge, exaggeration
掛値なし: kakenenashi: net, honest
掛値をする: kakeneosuru: ask two prices, overcharge, exaggerate


pronunciation: gappei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , medicine
translation: merger, union, combination, amalgamation, fusion
合併する: gappeisuru: merge, unite, combine, amalgamate
合併症: gappeishou: complications <<<
合併号: gappeigou: merged issue <<<
related words: 合体


pronunciation: kigyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: start [foundation] of an enterprise
起業する: kigyousuru: start [embark in] an enterprise [a business]


pronunciation: kigyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , industry
translation: company, firm, enterprise
企業を起こす: kigyouookosu: plan an enterprise <<<
企業化: kigyouka: commercialization <<<
企業化する: kigyoukasuru: industrialize, commercialize, produce on a commercial basis
企業家: kigyouka: enterpriser <<<
企業熱: kigyounetsu: industrial fever <<<
企業心: kigyoushin: enterprising spirit <<<
企業契約: kigyoukeiyaku: affiliation, intercompany agreement <<< 契約
企業合同: kigyougoudou: trust
企業連合: kigyourengou: cartel <<< 連合
企業コード: kigyoukoodo: employer identification number, EIN
私企業: shikigyou: private company <<<
大企業: daikigyou: large [major] company <<<
小企業: shoukigyou: small company <<<
synonyms: 会社 , 事業


pronunciation: kison
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: damage (n.), injure
毀損する: kisonsuru: damage (v.), injure


pronunciation: kiyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: law , business
translation: agreement, contract
規約を結ぶ: kiyakuomusubu: make [enter into] an agreement [a contract] (with) <<<
規約を破る: kiyakuoyaburu: break an agreement [a contract] <<<
規約に従えば: kiyakunishitagaeba: according to the agreement [contract] <<<
related words: 契約


pronunciation: kyoukyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: supply (n.), provision
供給する: kyoukyuusuru: supply (v.), provide, furnish
供給を受ける: kyoukyuuoukeru: be supplied with, get a supply of <<<
供給者: kyoukyuusha: supplier, provider <<<
供給国: kyoukyuukoku: supplying country <<<
供給源: kyoukyuugen: source of supply <<<
供給量: kyoukyuuryou: supplied quantity <<<
供給路: kyoukyuuro: supply route <<<
供給網: kyoukyuumou: supply chain <<<
供給不足: kyoukyuubusoku: short supply, under-supply <<< 不足
供給過剰: kyoukyuukajou: excessive supply, over-supply, glut <<< 過剰
供給過多: kyoukyuukata
synonyms: 支給
antonyms: 需要


pronunciation: kyoubai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , internet
translation: auction (n.), public sale
競売する: kyoubaisuru: auction (v.)
競売に掛ける: kyoubainikakeru: put up for auction <<<
競売に付する: kyoubainihusuru <<<
競売人: kyoubainin: auctioneer <<<
競売場: kyoubaijou: auction room <<<
競売価格: kyoubaikakaku: auction price <<< 価格
競売公告: kyoubaikoukoku: auction notice
synonyms: オークション
related words: 落札


pronunciation: kinnyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: embargo, banned trade
禁輸する: kinnyusuru: embargo (v.), ban the trade
禁輸品: kinnyuhin: embargoed article <<<


pronunciation: gyousha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: trader, dealer
synonyms: 商人

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