Japanese display
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Direct access: 気管 , 臼歯 , 胸囲 , 筋肉 , 薬指 , 口元 , 首周 , 黒髪 , 毛穴 , 睾丸


pronunciation: kikan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: windpipe, trachea
気管の: kikannno: tracheal
気管炎: kikannen: tracheitis <<<
気管支: kikanshi: bronchus <<<
気管支の: kikanshino: bronchial
気管支炎: kikanshien: bronchitis <<<
気管支カタル: kikanshikataru <<<
気管支喘息: kaikanshizensoku: bronchial asthma
気管支肺炎: kikanshihaien: bronchopneumonia
気管切開: kikansekkai: tracheotomy
related words: 器官


pronunciation: kyuushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: molar (tooth), grinder, premolar
小臼歯: shoukyuushi: premolar <<<
大臼歯: daikyuushi: molar (tooth) <<<


pronunciation: kyoui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: girth of the chest, bust
胸囲を測る: kyouiohakaru: measure the chest <<<
広い胸囲: hiroikyoui: broad chest <<<
狭い胸囲: semaikyoui: narrow chest <<<
related words: バスト


pronunciation: kinnniku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: muscle, sinew
筋肉の: kinnnikuno: muscular
筋肉の逞しい: kinnnikunotakumashii <<<
筋肉を付ける: kinnnikuotsukeru: develop the muscle <<<
筋肉痛: kinnnikutsuu: muscular rheumatism <<<
筋肉学: kinnnikugaku: myology, sarcology <<<
筋肉運動: kinnnikuundou: muscular movement <<< 運動
筋肉労働: kinnnikuroudou: physical work, muscle labor <<< 労働
筋肉労働者: kinnnikuroudousha: manual worker, laborer <<<
筋肉組織: kinnnikusoshiki: muscular system <<< 組織
筋肉注射: kinnnikuchuusha: intramuscular injection <<< 注射
筋肉増強剤: kinnnikuzoukyouzai: anabolic steroid


pronunciation: kusuriyubi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: third [ring] finger
related words: 親指 , 人差指 , 中指 , 小指


pronunciation: kuchimoto
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 口許
keyword: body
translation: mouth, lip
口元を窄める: kuchimotoosubomeru: turn one's nose up <<<
口元を歪める: kuchimotooyugameru: make a grimace <<<
口元が愛らしい: kuchimotogaairashii: have a sweet [lovely] mouth <<<
口元が可愛い: kuchimotogakawaii
related words:


pronunciation: kubimawari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: neck circumference


pronunciation: kurokami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: black hair
緑の黒髪: midorinokurokami: raven-black hair <<<


pronunciation: keana
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: pores


pronunciation: kougan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body
translation: testicles
睾丸炎: kougannen: orchitis <<<
副睾丸: hukukougan: epididymis <<<

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