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Direct access: 日焼け , 美女 , 美人 , 美男 , 美貌 , 美容 , 風情 , 別嬪 , 魅了 , 優雅


pronunciation: hiyake
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: suntan, sunburn
日焼けする: hiyakesuru: get sunburnt [tanned]
日焼けした: hiyakeshita: sunburnt
日焼け止め: hiyakedome: anti-suntan [sunburn] cream <<<
日焼け止めクリーム: hikyakedomekuriimu
日焼けサロン: hiyakesaron: tanning salon


pronunciation: bijo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: beautiful woman
美女と野獣: bijotoyajuu: Beauty and the Beast (a French fairy tale) <<< 野獣
眠れる美女: nemurerubijo: The House of the Sleeping Beauties (a novel of Yasunari Kawabata, 1961) <<<
眠れる森の美女: nemurerumorinobijo: Sleeping Beauty (a fairy tale of Grimm Brothers)
synonyms: 美人


pronunciation: bijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: beauty, belle, beautiful woman, girl
美人な: bijinnna: beautiful, pretty
美人投票: bijintouhyou: beauty [pageantry] contest <<< 投票
美人コンテスト: bijinkontesuto
related words: 美女


pronunciation: binan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: handsome man
美男子: binanshi: handsome boy <<<
美男美女: binanbijo: handsome man and beautiful woman <<< 美女
related words: 男前 , ハンサム


pronunciation: bibou
kanji characters:
keyword: beauty
translation: personal beauty, good [attractive] looks, beautiful face
美貌の: bibouno: beautiful, good-looking, handsome


pronunciation: biyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: beauty treatment
美容の: biyouno: cosmetic, aesthetic, beauty (a.)
美容院: biyouin: beauty parlor, beauty salon, aesthetic salon <<<
美容室: biyoushitsu <<<
美容師: biyoushi: beauty artist, hairdresser, aesthetician, beautician <<<
美容食: biyoushoku: diet <<<
美容術: biyoujutsu: beauty culture, aesthetics <<<
美容整形: biyouseikei: aesthetic surgery <<< 整形
美容体操: biyoutaisou: calisthenics <<< 体操
related words: 洒落 , 化粧 , エステ


pronunciation: huzei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: air, appearance, taste, elegance
風情の有る: huzeinoaru: tasteful, elegant, refined <<< , エレガント
風情の無い: huzeinonai: dull, tasteless, prosaic <<<
synonyms: エレガンス


pronunciation: beppin
kanji characters:
keyword: beauty
translation: beauty, belle
synonyms: 美人


pronunciation: miryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: fascination, captivation, enchantment
魅了する: miryousuru: charm (v.), fascinate, captivate, enchant, spellbind, mesmerize
synonyms: 魅惑


pronunciation: yuuga
kanji characters: ,
keyword: beauty
translation: grace, elegance
優雅な: yuugana: graceful, elegant
優雅に: yuugani: gracefully, elegantly
related words: 優美 , エレガント , エレガンス

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