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Direct access: 偵察 , 撤収 , 撤退 , 撤兵 , 天下 , 展開 , 転進 , 伝令 , 投降 , 闘士


pronunciation: teisatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: reconnaissance, scouting
偵察する: teisatsusuru: reconnoiter, scout
偵察隊: teisatsutai: reconnoitering party <<<
偵察兵: teisatsuhei: scout, spotter <<<
偵察機: teisatsuki: recce aircraft, reconnaissance plane <<<
偵察飛行: teisatsuhikou: reconnaissance flight <<< 飛行
偵察衛星: teisatsueisei: reconnaissance satellite <<< 衛星


pronunciation: tesshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: withdrawal
撤収する: tesshuusuru: withdraw, strike a tent
related words: 撤退


pronunciation: tettai
kanji characters: , 退
keyword: war
translation: withdrawal, evacuation
撤退する: tettaisuru: withdraw, evacuate, retreat, pull out
撤退命令: tettaimeirei: evacuation order <<< 命令
related words: 撤収 , 撤兵


pronunciation: teppei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: withdrawal of troops, evacuation
撤兵する: teppeisuru: withedraw troops (from), evacuate (a place)
related words: 撤退 , 撤収


pronunciation: tenka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: whole country, world, public
天下に: tenkani: under the sub [heaven], on earth, in the world
天下に敵なし: tenkanitekinashi: have no rival in the world <<<
天下を取る: tenkaotoru: bring the whole land under one's rule, reign over the whole land, hold the reins of government, come into power <<<
天下人: tenkanin, tenkabito: world conqueror <<< , 覇者
天下一品の: tenkaippinnno: unique, unequaled, unparalleled, peerless <<< 一品
天下無双の: tenkamusouno
天下泰平だ: tankataiheida: Peace reigns over the land <<< 泰平
天下分け目の戦い: tenkawakemenotatakai: decisive battle
related words: 世界


pronunciation: tenkai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , mathematics
translation: deployment, development, evolution, progress
展開する: tenkaisuru: deploy (vi.), develop, spread out, unfurl
展開させる: tenkaisaseru: deploy (vt.), develop
展開部: tenkaibu: development (of a theme) <<<
related words: 発展


pronunciation: tenshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: change of direction, transfer, withdrawal
転進する: tenshinsuru: change one's course, be transferred (to), withdraw
related words: 撤退


pronunciation: denrei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: orderly
伝令兵: denreihei <<<


pronunciation: toukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: surrender (n.), capitulation
投降する: toukousuru: surrender (v.), capitulate


pronunciation: toushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: fighter, combatant, warrior
聖闘士: seitoushi: holy fighter <<<
synonyms: 戦士

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