ページ番号: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42
直接アクセス: , , , , , , , , ,

キーワード: 商業 , スポーツ
画数: 6
翻訳:pay, supply, purvey, deliver
キュウ, ソウ
扱く: こく: thresh rice
扱き下ろす: こきおろす: denounce, criticize (severely), cry [write] down, blame (a person) to his face, lambast <<<
扱き使う: こきつかう: drive [work] (a person) hard, sweat (workers) <<< 使
扱う: あつかう: treat (jp.), deal with, receive, entertain, manage, conduct, work, handle
扱い: あつかい: treatment, management, handling
扱い易い: あつかいやすい: easy to deal, wieldy <<<
扱い難い: あつかいにくい: hard to deal, unwieldy <<<
扱める: おさめる: pay, supply, purvey, deliver <<< ,
扱く: しごく: stroke one's beard, jerk in and out one's spear, haze
扱き: しごき: undersash, waistband, hard [severe] training, hazing

キーワード: 戦争 , スポーツ
画数: 7
翻訳:attack, assault, study (ext.), master
攻める: せめる: attack (v.), open an attack upon, assault
攻める: おさめる: study, complete (the course of), master <<<
攻め合う: せめあう: attack each other <<<
攻め入る: せめいる: invade, make inroads into [on, upon], raid <<<
攻め落とす: せめおとす: take by storm, capture, cause to surrender <<<
攻め立てる: せめたてる: attack violently, harass (a person with questions) <<<
攻め倦む: せめあぐむ: be weary of making an attack (on)

キーワード: スポーツ
画数: 8
翻訳:push, thrust, stab
突く: つく: push (vt.), thrust, stab
突く: つつく: pick (at), peck (at), poke (at), incite, instigate, find fault with (a person, a thing)
突き: つき: push (n.), thrust, stab, pass
突き落とす: つきおとす: push [thrust] down <<<
突き刺す: つきさす: pierce (a thing with), impale, jab <<<
突き倒す: つきたおす: push [thrust] over, knock down <<<
突き詰める: つきつめる: make a thorough investigation (of a matter) <<<
突き出る: つきでる: stand [jut, stick, stretch] out, project, protrude <<<
突き飛ばす: つきとばす: push [thrust] (a person) away, send (a person) flying [staggering] <<<
突き止める: つきとめる: ascertain, make sure [certain] of, assure, trace (a matter), locate <<<
突き放す: つきはなす: throw off, push off, desert, forsake <<<
突っ込む: つっこむ: thrust in, plunge into, pierce, penetrate, throw a question at (a person), hit (a person) home, dip, charge (into the enemy) <<<
突っ立つ: つったつ: stand up, straight, jump to one's feet, be stuck (in, on) <<<
突っ走る: つっぱしる: dash, run fast <<<
突っ撥ねる: つっぱねる: turn (a person) down flat, give a flat refusal (to) <<<
突っ伏す: つっぷす: fall over with one's face down <<<
突き破る: つきやぶる: break [burst] through, pierce, stave in <<<

キーワード: スポーツ
画数: 9
翻訳:challenge, defy, hoist
挑げる: かかげる: hoist <<<
挑む: いどむ: challenge (v.), defy, pick a quarrel (with)

キーワード: スポーツ
画数: 13
翻訳:jump, leap, spring, skip, fly, dance
チョウ, トウ
跳ぶ: とぶ: jump, fly <<<
跳る: おどる: jump, skip, dance (v.) <<< ,
跳ねる: はねる: jump, leap, spring
跳ね上がる: はねあがる: spring [jump, leap] up, shoot up <<<
跳ね上げる: はねあげる: splash [sputter] mud <<<
跳ね起きる: はねおきる: spring to one's feet, rise with a bounce, spring up from one's bed <<<
跳ね飛ばす: はねとばす: send (a person, a thing) flying, spatter (mud), knock (a person) off <<<
跳ね除ける: はねのける: push [thrust, brush] aside <<<
跳ね付ける: はねつける: refuse, turn down, reject <<<
跳ね回る: はねまわる: romp [skip, jump, leap] about, gambol <<<
同意語: , ジャンプ

キーワード: スポーツ
画数: 15
翻訳:beat, fight, strike, hit
ボク, ハク
撲つ: うつ: beat, strike, hit <<<
撲: すもう: sumo (jp.) <<< 相撲

キーワード: スポーツ
画数: 15
翻訳:detailed, particular, minute, examine
審らかな: つまびらかな: detailed, particular, minute

キーワード: スポーツ
画数: 15
翻訳:step, trample, go through, visit
踏む: ふむ: step [tread] on, go through, finish, value [estimate] (a thing), visit
踏まえる: ふまえる: trample, consider
踏み荒す: ふみあらす: trample down, ravage <<<
踏み替える: ふみかえる: change step <<<
踏み固める: ふみかためる: tread [stamp] down <<<
踏み切る: ふみきる: step out of the ring, take off, make a bold start, take a plunge <<< , 踏切
踏み砕く: ふみくだく: trample (a thing) to pieces <<<
踏み消す: ふみけす: stamp [tread] out (the fire) <<<
踏み越える: ふみこえる: step over (a thing) <<<
踏み込む: ふみこむ: step into, rush [break] into, trespass (on), make a raid (in, into) <<<
踏み倒す: ふみたおす: trample down, bilk (a debt, a bill) <<<
踏み出す: ふみだす: step forward, advance <<<
踏み付ける: ふみつける: stamp down, stomp, tread on, insult <<< , 侮辱
踏ん付ける: ふんづける <<<
踏み潰す: ふみつぶす: smash (a thing) by treading on it <<<
踏み躙る: ふみにじる: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏み外す: ふみはずす: miss one's foot, lose one's footing <<<
踏み止まる: ふみとどまる: remain, stand [hold] one's ground (against), make a stand (against), remain [stay] in office <<<
踏み均す: ふみならす: level (the earth) by treading down <<<
踏み鳴らす: ふみならす: stamp one's feet, tread heavily <<<
踏み躙る: ふみにじる: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏んだり蹴ったり: ふんだりけったり: be treated like a dog, have insult added to injury <<<
同意語: ,

キーワード: 工業 , スポーツ
画数: 17
翻訳:forge, temper
鍛える: きたえる: fortify, strengthen, forge, temper

キーワード: 戦争 , スポーツ
画数: 18
翻訳:fight, struggle, combat, contend
トウ, ツ
闘う: たたかう: fight, struggle, combat, contend, play <<<

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