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Direct access: 立地 , 離島 , 領域 , 領海 , 領土 , 臨海 , 隣国 , 列島 , 連邦 , エスキモー


pronunciation: ritchi
keyword: geography
translation: localization
立地条件: ritchijouken: condition of location [localization] <<< 条件
立地条件が良い: ritchijoukengaii, ritchijoukengayoi: be favorably located <<<
立地条件が悪い: ritchijoukengawarui: be unfavorably located <<<
related words: 位置


pronunciation: ritou
keyword: geography
translation: detached island


pronunciation: ryouiki
keyword: geography , science
translation: territory, field, sphere, realm, region, area, domain


pronunciation: ryoukai
keyword: geography , sea
translation: territorial waters
related words: 領空 , 領土


pronunciation: ryoudo
keyword: geography , politics , war
translation: territory, dominion, possession, land (of a country)
領土の: ryoudono: territorial
領土権: ryoudoken: territorial rights <<<
領土欲: ryoudoyoku: desire for more territories <<<
領土侵略: ryoudoshinryaku: invasion of a territory <<< 侵略
領土保全: ryoudohozen: territorial integrity
related words: 領海 , 領空


pronunciation: rinkai
keyword: geography
translation: seaside (n.)
臨海の: rinkaino: seaside (a.), marine
臨海学校: rinkaigakkou: seaside (summer) school <<< 学校
臨海実習: rinkaijisshuu: marine practice <<< 実習
臨海実験所: rinkaijikkensho: marine (biological) laboratory


pronunciation: ringoku
keyword: geography
translation: neighboring country


pronunciation: rettou
keyword: geography
translation: archipelago, chain of islands
related words: 諸島 , 群島


pronunciation: renpou
keyword: politics , geography
translation: federation, union, confederation
連邦する: renpousuru: federate
連邦の: renpouno: federal
連邦国: renpoukoku: federated nation <<<
連邦政府: renpouseihu: federal government <<< 政府
連邦国家: renpoukokka: federal state <<< 国家
連邦制度: renpouseido: federalism <<< 制度
連邦主義: renpoushugi <<< 主義
連邦主義者: renpoushugisha: federalist <<<
連邦会議: renpoukaigi: federal assembly [council] <<< 会議
連邦議会: renpougikai: federal parliament, Bundestag (in Germany) <<< 議会
連邦警察: renpoukeisatsu: federal police, FBI (in USA) <<< 警察
連邦裁判所: renpousaibansho: federal court <<< 裁判所


pronunciation: esukimoo
etymology: Eskimo (eg.)
keyword: geography
translation: Eskimo (people), Eskimau
エスキモー人: esukimoojin
エスキモーの: esukimoono: Eskimo (a.)
エスキモー犬: esukimooken: Eskimo dog
エスキモー語: esukimoogo: Eskimo [Inuit] language

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