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Direct access: 反則 , 判定 , 挽回 , 万能 , 卑怯 , 飛翔 , 必殺 , 必死 , 飛躍 , 不振


pronunciation: hansoku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 犯則
keyword: law , sport
translation: foul, violation of the law
反則する: hansokusuru: play foul, act against the rules, commit a foul
反則を犯す: hansokuookasu <<<
反則者: hansokusha: offender, transgressor <<<
反則負け: hansokumake: disqualification <<<
反則負けする: hansokumakesuru: be disqualified, lose a game on a foul
反則切符: hansokukippu: traffic [parking] ticket <<< 切符
related words: ファウル


pronunciation: hantei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: judgment, decision, verdict
判定する: hanteisuru: judge, decide
判定を下す: hanteiokudasu <<<
判定で勝つ: hanteidekatsu: win on (by) a decision <<<
判定勝: hanteigachi: decision (in a match)
related words: 判断


pronunciation: bankai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: recovery, restoration, retrieval
挽回する: bankaisuru: recover (one's losses), restore (one's reputation), retrieve (one's fortunes)


pronunciation: bannnou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , religion , biology
translation: omnipotence
万能の: bannnouno: almighty, omnipotent, all-purpose
万能の神: bannnounokami: Almighty (God) <<<
万能薬: bannnouyaku: panacea, elixir, cure-all <<<
万能選手: bannnousenshu: all-around player <<< 選手
万能細胞: bannnousaibou: ES [embryonic stem] cell <<< 細胞


pronunciation: hikyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: cowardice
卑怯な: hikyouna: cowardly, sneaking
卑怯な振舞をする: hikyounahurumaiosuru: act cowardly [the coward], play (a person) foul, hit below the belt
卑怯な事をする: hikyounakotoosuru <<<
卑怯者: hikyoumono: coward (n.), sneak <<<


pronunciation: hishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: bird , sport
translation: fly (n.), flying, jump, jumping
飛翔する: hishousuru: fly (v.), jump, take a run


pronunciation: hissatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , game
translation: mortality
必殺の: hissatsuno: mortal, deadly
必殺技: hissatsuwaza: mortal [deadly] trick [technique] <<<


pronunciation: hisshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: despair
必死の: hisshino: desperate, frantic
必死に: hisshini: desperately, for one's life
必死に泳ぐ: hisshinioyogu: swim for one's life <<<
必死の努力をする: hisshinodoryokuosuru: make desperate efforts <<< 努力
必死に抵抗する: hisshiniteikousuru: resist fiercely <<< 抵抗
related words: 決死


pronunciation: hiyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport
translation: leap (n.), jump, activities
飛躍する: hiyakusuru: leap (v.), jump (to), take large steps
飛躍的: hiyakuteki: saltational, saltatory <<<
飛躍的発展をする: hiyakutekihattennosuru: make rapid progress, take [make] great [rapid] strides <<< 発展
related words: ジャンプ


pronunciation: hushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , economy
translation: dullness, inactivity, depression
不振な: hushinnna: inactive, depressive, slack, in slump, out of form
related words: 不調 , スランプ

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