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Direct access: 某所 , 母国 , 盆地 , 水際 , 民族 , 最寄 , 山国 , 山沿 , 山手 , 来日


pronunciation: bousho
keyword: geography
translation: a certain place, somewhere


pronunciation: bokoku
keyword: geography
translation: one's mother country, (one's) homeland
母国語: bokokugo: one's mother [native] tongue <<<
related words: 自国 , 祖国


pronunciation: bonchi
keyword: geography
translation: basin, valley, hollow


pronunciation: mizugiwa
keyword: geography
translation: water's edge, waterside, beach
水際に: mizugiwani: at the water's edge
水際で: mizugiwade
水際立った: mizugiwadatta: splendid, brilliant, striking <<<
水際立って: mizugiwadatte: splendidly, brilliantly, strikingly


pronunciation: minzoku
keyword: geography , politics
translation: race, people, ethnic group
民族の: minzokuno: ethnic, racial
民族性: minzokusei <<<
民族学: minzokugaku: ethnology <<<
民族学者: minzokugakusha: ethnologist <<< 学者
民族主義: minzokushugi: nationalism <<< 主義
民族意識: minzokuishiki: national consciousness <<< 意識
民族自決: minzokujiketsu: racial self-determination
民族移動: minzokuidou: migration of peoples, mass migration <<< 移動
多民族: taminzoku: multiracial, multi-ethnic <<<
多民族国家: taminzokukokka: multiracial country (state) <<< 国家


pronunciation: moyori
keyword: geography
translation: neighborhood, vicinity
最寄の: moyorino: neighboring, adjacent, the nearest
最寄の駅: moyorinoeki: the nearest station <<<


pronunciation: yamaguni
keyword: geography
translation: mountainous country [region]


pronunciation: yamazoi
keyword: geography
translation: along a mountain


pronunciation: yamanote
other spells: 山の手
keyword: geography
translation: hilly section, residential quarter, uptown (n.)
山手の: yamanoteno: uptown (a.)
山手の人: yamanotenohito: uptowner, uptown inhabitant <<<
山手に住む: yamanotenisumu: live uptown <<<
山手線: yamanotesen: Yamanote Line (in Tokyo) <<<


pronunciation: rainichi
keyword: geography
translation: visiting Japan
来日する: rainichisuru: come to Japan, visit Japan
来日中: rainichichuu: during one's visit in Japan <<<
related words: 日本

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