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Direct access: 暴力 , 紛い物 , 魔手 , 麻薬 , 万引 , 密航 , 密告 , 密室 , 密通 , 密輸


pronunciation: bouryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: violence, outrage
暴力で: bouryokude: by force
暴力的: bouryokuteki: violent <<<
暴力に訴える: bouryokuniuttaeru: resort to violence (force) <<<
暴力を加える: bouryokuokuwaeru: lay violent hands <<<
暴力を振るう: bouryokuouruu: use violence <<<
暴力団: bouryokudan: gang <<<
暴力行為: bouryokukoui: act of violence <<< 行為
暴力犯罪: bouryokuhanzai: violent crime <<< 犯罪
暴力革命: bouryokukakumei: violent revolution <<< 革命


pronunciation: magaimono
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 疑 い物
keyword: crime
translation: imitation, counterfeit (n.), sham, imitation, artificial
紛い物の: magaimonono: counterfeit (a.), sham, false
synonyms: 偽物


pronunciation: mashu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: clutch
魔手に掛かる: mashunikakaru: fall a victim (to) <<<
魔手を伸ばす: mashuonobasu: attempt to victimize (a person) <<<


pronunciation: mayaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: drug , crime
translation: drug, narcotic, dope
麻薬を密売する: mayakuomitsubaisuru: peddle [traffic] narcotics
麻薬取引: mayakutorihiki: drug traffic <<< 取引
麻薬密売: mayakumitsubai
麻薬密売者: mayakumitsubaisha: drug peddler
麻薬中毒: mayakuchuudoku: narcotic (addiction) <<< 中毒
麻薬患者: mayakukanja: narcotic addict <<< 患者
麻薬常用者: mayakujouyousha
related words: 阿片 , モルヒネ


pronunciation: manbiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: shoplift (n.), shoplifter
万引する: manbikisuru: shoplift (v.)
万引を働く: manbikiohataraku <<<
万引家族: manbikikazoku: Shoplifters (a Japanese film, 2018) <<< 家族


pronunciation: mikkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret passage
密航する: mikkousuru: sail [take passage] in secret, steal a passage, stow away
密航者: mikkousha: stowaway <<<


pronunciation: mikkoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret information, anonymous notice
密告する: mikkokusuru: inform secretly, blow the gaff, rat
密告者: mikkokusha: informer, whistle-blower <<<
related words: 告発


pronunciation: misshitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime
translation: secret room
密室に監禁する: misshitsunikankinsuru: keep (a person) in close confinement <<< 監禁
密室殺人: misshitsusatsujin: murder in a shut-up room <<< 殺人


pronunciation: mittsuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , sex
translation: intrigue (n.), fornication, adultery
密通する: mittsuusuru: intrigue (with), commit adultery (with)
synonyms: 不倫 , 姦通 , 不義


pronunciation: mitsuyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , crime
translation: smuggling, contraband
密輸入: mitsuyunyuu <<<
密輸入者: mitsuyunyuusha: smuggler <<<
密輸する: mitsuyusuru: smuggle
密輸品: mitsuyuhin: smuggled (contraband) goods <<<
密輸船: mitsuyusen: smuggling vessel <<<
密輸酒: mitsuyushu: smuggled alcohol <<<
密輸業者: mitsuyugyousha: smuggling company <<< 業者

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