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Direct access: 満員 , 満載 , 満杯 , 見送り , 無効 , 無人 , 有効 , 有人 , 優先 , 郵送


pronunciation: mannin
keyword: transport , sport , show
translation: fullness, completeness (transport, theater)
満員の: manninnno: full [complete] of visitors [customers]
満員だ: manninda: be full [complete] of visitors [customers]
満員御礼: manninonrei: thanks for fullness <<< 御礼
related words: 満杯


pronunciation: mansai
keyword: transport , media
translation: full of loads, full of articles
満載する: mansaisuru: be loaded to capacity (with), be fully loaded (with), be crowded with, be full of
満載荷重: mansainijuu: full load, loadability, load-carrying [load-bearing] capacity


pronunciation: manpai
keyword: food , transport
translation: fullness, completeness (cup, container)
満杯だ: manpaida: full, complete
related words: 満員


pronunciation: miokuri
keyword: transport
translation: send-off
見送り人: miokurinin: senders-off, well-wisher <<<
見送りに行く: miokuriniiku: see [send] (a person) off <<<


pronunciation: mukou
keyword: administration , transport
translation: invalidity, nullity, voidness
無効な: mukouna: invalid, null and void, of no effect, ineffective, inefficient
無効に: mukouni: invalidly, ineffectively, inefficiently
無効にする: mukounisuru: annul, repeal, nullify, abate, make void
無効に成る: mukouninaru: become (null and) void, become invalid, lapse <<<
無効投票: mukoutouhyou: invalid vote <<< 投票
無効切符: mukoukippu: bad ticket <<< 切符
antonyms: 有効


pronunciation: mujin
keyword: transport , war
translation: unmanned (system), uninhabited (area)
無人の: mujinnno: unmanned, uninhabited
無人島: mujintou: uninhabited (desert) island <<<
無人地帯: mujinchitai: uninhabited region, no man's land <<< 地帯
無人踏切: mujunhumikiri: unattended (railroad) crossing <<< 踏切
無人電車: mujindensha: unmanned train <<< 電車
無人飛行: mujinhikou: unmanned flight <<< 飛行
無人飛行機: mujinhikouki: pilotless plane <<<
無人偵察機: mujinteisatsuki: unmanned surveillance aircraft, UAV
related words: 有人


pronunciation: yuukou
keyword: administration , transport
translation: efficiency, efficacy, validity
有効な: yuukouna: effective, effectual, valid, beefy
有効である: yuukoudearu: be effective, hold good, remain valid
有効にする: yuukounisuru: validate
有効に成る: yuukouninaru: become effective, take effect <<<
有効期間: yuukoukikan: term of validity <<< 期間
有効投票: yuukoutouhyou: valid vote <<< 投票
有効射程: yuukoushatei: effective range <<< 射程
有効需要: yuukoujuyou: effective demand <<< 需要
有効証明: yuukoushoumei: certificate of validity <<< 証明
有効数字: yuukousuuji: significant figure <<< 数字
有効出力: yuukoushutsuryoku: effective power (capacity)
antonyms: 無効
related words: 効用


pronunciation: yuujin
keyword: transport
translation: manned (system)
有人の: yuujinnno: manned
有人飛行: yuujinhikou: manned flight <<< 飛行
related words: 無人


pronunciation: yuusen
keyword: finance , transport
translation: priority, preference, privilege
優先の: yuusennno: prior, preferential, privileged
優先的な: yuusentekina <<<
優先的に: yuusekitekini: referentially
優先する: yuusensuru: precede, take precedence
優先株: yuusenkabu: preferred shares (stocks) <<<
優先権: yuusenken: prerogative, priority <<<
優先権が有る: yuusenkengaaru: have a priority <<<
優先権を与える: yuusenkennoataeru: give a priority <<<
優先権を得る: yuusenkennoeru: get a priority <<<


pronunciation: yuusou
keyword: transport
translation: post (n.), posting, mail
郵送する: yuusousuru: send by mail [post], mail (v.), post
郵送料: yuusouryou: postage <<< , 送料
郵送無料: yuusoumuryou: postage-free <<< 無料
related words: 郵便

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