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Direct access: 範囲 , 半島 , 付近 , 二股 , 部族 , 分岐 , 分水嶺 , 平原 , 平坦 , 平野


pronunciation: hanni
keyword: geography
translation: range, scope, reach, extent, limit, domain, sphere
範囲が狭い: hannigasemai: be of a narrow range, be limited <<<
範囲が広い: hannigahiroi: be of a wide range, be extensive <<<
範囲を限る: hanniokagiru: set limits to <<<
範囲内に: hanninaini: within the limits (scope) of <<<
範囲外に: hannigaini: beyond the limits (scope) of <<<
広範囲: kouhanni: extensive (widespread) area (domain) <<<


pronunciation: hantou
keyword: geography
translation: peninsula


pronunciation: hukin
other spells: 附近
keyword: geography
translation: neighborhood, vicinity, proximity
付近の: hukinnno: neighboring
付近に: hukinnni: in the neighborhood
related words: 近所 , 近辺 , 最寄


pronunciation: hutamata
keyword: geography
translation: fork, bifurcation
二股の: hutamatano: forked, bifurcated
二股に分かれる: hutamataniwakareru: fork off into two branches, bifurcate (v.) <<<
二股を掛ける: hutamataokakeru: sit on the fence, play double, have two strings on one's bow <<<
二股道: hutamatamichi: cross-road <<<
二股膏薬: hutamatagouyaku: double-dealing, double-dealer, trimmer, fence-sitter
二股ソケット: hutamatasoketto: two way adapter [socket]
synonyms: 分岐


pronunciation: buzoku
keyword: history , geography
translation: tribe
部族の: buzokuno: tribal
部族民: buzokumin: tribesman <<<
部族国家: buzokukokka: tribal state <<< 国家
部族地域: buzokuchiiki: tribal area <<< 地域


pronunciation: bunki
keyword: geography , train
translation: fork (n.), branch (n.), ramification, divergence
分岐する: bunkisuru: fork (v.), branch off, ramify, diverge
分岐点: bunkiten: turning point, junction, watershed <<<
分岐地点: bunkichiten <<< 地点


pronunciation: bunsuirei
keyword: geography
translation: watershed


pronunciation: heigen
keyword: geography
translation: plain (n.), prairie
synonyms: 平野


pronunciation: heitan
keyword: geography
translation: flatness, evenness
平坦な: heitannna: flat, level (a.), even
平坦にする: heitannnisuru: level (v.)


pronunciation: heiya
keyword: geography
translation: plain, open field

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