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Direct access: 戦前 , 戦争 , 戦隊 , 戦地 , 先手 , 戦闘 , 戦没 , 殲滅 , 戦友 , 戦略


pronunciation: senzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , war
translation: prewar (period)
戦前の: senzennno: before the war, prewar (a.)
戦前に: senzennni: before the war
戦前派: senzenha: prewar generation <<<
related words: 戦後


pronunciation: sensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , history
translation: war, battle
戦争する: sensousuru: make [go to] war with, wage war against, fight a battle
戦争を行う: sensouookonau <<<
戦争に行く: sensouniiku: go to war, go to the front
戦争に出る: sensounideru <<<
戦争中の: sensouchuuno: belligerent, warring <<<
戦争が起こる: sensougaokoru: A war break out <<<
戦争好きの: sensouzukino: warlike, bellicose <<<
戦争屋: sensouya: warmonger, bellicist <<<
戦争に勝つ: sensounikatsu: win a battle, gain a victory <<<
戦争に負ける: sensounimakeru: lose a battle, be defeated in a war <<<
戦争状態: sensoujoutai: state of war <<< 状態
戦争犯罪: sensouhanzai: war crime <<< 犯罪
核戦争: kakusensou: nuclear [atomic] war <<<
synonyms: 戦闘


pronunciation: sentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: corps
related words: 部隊


pronunciation: senchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: seat of war, (war) front, battlefield, battleground
戦地の: senchino: at the (war) front
戦地で: senchide
戦地に行く: senchiniiku: go to war <<<
戦地から帰る: senchikarakaeru: come back from the front <<<
related words: 戦場


pronunciation: sente
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: the first move (in a game), lead
先手を打つ: senteoutsu: take the lead, get ahead, forestall <<<
先手を取る: senteotoru: take the offensive <<<


pronunciation: sentou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , sport
translation: battle, combat, fight (n.)
戦闘する: sentousuru: fight (v.)
戦闘的: sentouteki: warlike, combative <<<
戦闘機: sentouki: fighter plane, combat plane <<<
戦闘服: sentouhuku: battle dress <<<
戦闘帽: sentoubou: field service cap <<<
戦闘力: sentouryoku: fighting strength [capacity] <<<
戦闘員: sentouin: combatant <<<
非戦闘員: hisentouin: non-combatant <<<
戦闘部隊: sentoubutai: combat unit <<< 部隊
戦闘準備: sentoujunbi: preparation for action, fighting trim <<< 準備
related words: 交戦 , 戦争


pronunciation: senbotsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , death
translation: death in the war
戦没者: senbotsusha: person killed in action, war dead <<<
synonyms: 戦死


pronunciation: senmetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: annihilation
殲滅する: senmetsusuru: annihilate, extirpate, wipe [stamp] out, mop out
殲滅戦: senmetsusen: annihilating operations <<<


pronunciation: sennyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war
translation: comrade at arms, fellow soldier


pronunciation: senryaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , politics
translation: strategy
戦略的: senryakuteki: strategic <<<
戦略上の: senryakujouno <<<
戦略家: senryakuka: strategist <<<
戦略爆撃: senryakubakuge: strategic bombing <<< 爆撃
戦略爆撃機: senryakubakugekiki: strategic bomber <<<
戦略ミサイル: senryakumisairu: strategic missile
related words: 戦術

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