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Direct access: 法人 , 包装 , 保有 , 本物 , 貿易 , 忙殺 , 末端 , 密輸 , 見本 , 無料


pronunciation: houjin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: juridical [legal] person, corporation
法人税: houjinzei: corporation tax <<<
法人組織にする: houjinsoshikinisuru: incorporate (a business) <<< 組織
法人設定: houjinsettei: incorporation <<< 設定
法人株主: houjinkabunushi: institutional stockholder <<< 株主
related words: 会社


pronunciation: housou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: wrapping, packing
包装する: housousuru: wrap, pack (v.)
包装紙: housoushi: wrapping paper, wrapper <<<
包装物: housoubutsu: package <<<
related words: 梱包 , ラップ


pronunciation: hoyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: possession, ownership, tenure
保有する: hoyuusuru: possess, keep, retain, hold, own
保有者: hoyuusha: retainer, holder, owner <<<
保有物: hoyuubutsu: holdings, inventory, stock, portfolio <<<
保有高: hoyuudaka <<<
保有財産: hoyuuzaisan: tenement, property <<< 財産
核保有: kakuhoyuu: nuclear possession <<<


pronunciation: honmono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: real thing, genuine article
本物の: honmonono: real, genuine, authentic, regular, natural
本物そっくりの: honmonosokkurino: lifelike, genuine-looking
本物の絵: honmononoe: authentic [genuine] picture <<<
antonyms: 偽物
related words: 実物


pronunciation: boueki
kanji characters: 貿 ,
keyword: business , economy
translation: (international) trade
貿易する: bouekisuru: trade (v.)
貿易風: bouekihuu: trade wind, monsoon <<<
貿易港: bouekikou: trade port <<<
貿易品: bouekihin: trade goods <<<
貿易商: bouekishou: trader <<<
貿易業者: bouekigyousha <<< 業者
貿易商会: bouekishoukai: trading firm <<< 商会
貿易収支: bouekishuushi: trade balance <<< 収支
貿易黒字: bouekikuroji: trade surplus <<< 黒字
貿易協定: bouekikyoutei: trade agreement <<< 協定
貿易戦争: bouekisensou: trade war <<< 戦争


pronunciation: bousatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: hard busyness
忙殺される: bousatsusareru: be very busy, be swamped


pronunciation: mattan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: end, tip
末端価格: mattankakaku: retail price, street value <<< 価格
末端機構: mattankikou: the smallest unit (of an organization) <<< 機構
related words: 端末


pronunciation: mitsuyu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , crime
translation: smuggling, contraband
密輸入: mitsuyunyuu <<<
密輸入者: mitsuyunyuusha: smuggler <<<
密輸する: mitsuyusuru: smuggle
密輸品: mitsuyuhin: smuggled (contraband) goods <<<
密輸船: mitsuyusen: smuggling vessel <<<
密輸酒: mitsuyushu: smuggled alcohol <<<
密輸業者: mitsuyugyousha: smuggling company <<< 業者


pronunciation: mihon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: sample, specimen, example, model, type
見本市: mihonnichi: trade fair <<<
見本帳: mihonchou: sample book <<<
見本刷: mihonzuri: proof copy <<<
見本注文: mihonchuumon: order by sample <<< 注文
見本売買: mihonbaibai: sale by sample <<< 売買
related words: サンプル


pronunciation: muryou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: free (n.), gratis
無料の: muryouno: free (a.), gratuitous
無料で: muryoude: free of charge, cost-free, gratis, for nothing
無料奉仕: muryouhoushi: free service <<< 奉仕
無料乗車券: muryoujoushaken: free (train) pass
無料観覧券: muryoukanranken: free pass, complementary ticket
無料入場券: muryounyuujouken
無料宿泊所: muryoushukuhakujo: free lodging-house
related words: 無償 , 有料

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