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Direct access: 復興 , 部族 , 文明 , 平民 , 変遷 , 法王 , 封建 , 無念 , 滅亡 , 物語


pronunciation: hukkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: revival, rehabilitation, reconstruction, renaissance
復興する: hukkousuru: revive, be rehabilitated, restore to the original state
synonyms: 再建 , 復旧 , ルネッサンス


pronunciation: buzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , geography
translation: tribe
部族の: buzokuno: tribal
部族民: buzokumin: tribesman <<<
部族国家: buzokukokka: tribal state <<< 国家
部族地域: buzokuchiiki: tribal area <<< 地域


pronunciation: bunmei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: civilization
文明の: bunmeino: civilized, civilizing (a.)
文明化: bunmeika: civilizing (n.) <<<
文明化する: bunmeikasuru: civilize
文明国: bunmeikoku: civilized country <<<
文明人: bunmeijin: civilized (people) <<<
文明世界: bunmeisekai: civilized world <<< 世界
related words: 文化


pronunciation: heimin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: commoner, common people
平民的: heiminteki: democratic, untitled <<<
related words: 庶民


pronunciation: hensen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: change (n.), vicissitude
変遷する: hensensuru: change (v.), undergo changes
変遷期の: hensenkino: transitory <<<


pronunciation: houou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , history
translation: Pope
法王庁: hououchou: Vatican <<<
法王職: hououshoku: papacy <<<
related words: 教皇


pronunciation: houken
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: land distribution by suzerain
封建的: houkenteki: feudal, feudalistic, medieval, old-fashioned <<<
封建時代: houkenjidai: feudal age <<< 時代
封建制度: houkenseido: feudal system <<< 制度
封建主義: houkenshugi: feudalism <<< 主義
封建思想: houkenshisou: feudalistic idea <<< 思想
related words: 中世


pronunciation: munen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: regret (n.), mortification, chagrin
無念に思う: munennniomou: regret (v.), be mortified [chagrined] (at, by), resent <<<
無念を晴らす: munennoharasu: revenge oneself (upon), get even (with), pay off old scores (with) <<<
無念無想: munenmusou: free from worldly thoughts
related words: 残念


pronunciation: metsubou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history
translation: downfall, fall, run, destruction
滅亡する: metsubousuru: fall, be ruined, perish, be destroyed, go out of existence
related words: 絶滅


pronunciation: monogatari
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , literature
translation: tale, story, narration, account, fable, legend, novel, fiction, romance
物語る: monogataru: relate, narrate, describe, give an account of, tell, speak, show
物語的な: monogataritekina: narrative <<<
物語風の: monogatarihuuno <<<
related words: , 伝説 , 童話

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