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Direct access: 継母 , 身内 , 未亡人 , 名字 , 無縁 , 息子 , 申し子 , 友人 , 養育 , 養子


pronunciation: mamahaha
keyword: family
translation: stepmother


pronunciation: miuchi
keyword: family
translation: one's relations [relatives], one's folks, one's followers
synonyms: 子分 , 親類


pronunciation: miboujin
keyword: family
translation: widow
未亡人に成る: miboujinnninaru: be left a widow, lose one's husband <<<
synonyms: 後家


pronunciation: myouji
other spells: 苗字
keyword: family
translation: surname, family name, last name
related words: 名前


pronunciation: muen
keyword: family
translation: irrelevance
無縁の: muennno: without relatives, unrelated, irrelevant
無縁の墓: muennnohaka: neglected grave <<<
無縁墓地: muenbochi: potter's field <<< 墓地


pronunciation: musuko
keyword: family
translation: one's son, junior
私の息子: watashinomusuko: my son, sonny <<<


pronunciation: moushigo
keyword: family , religion
translation: gift child (from a god)


pronunciation: yuujin
keyword: family , love
translation: friend
友人に成る: yuujinnninaru: make friends with <<<
友人が多い: yuujingaooi: be a good mixer <<<
related words: 友達


pronunciation: youiku
keyword: family , education
translation: bringing up, education
養育する: youikusuru: bring up, foster, rear, educate
養育院: youikuin: orphanage, orphan house, founding hospital <<<
養育費: youikuhi: expenses for bringing up a child, expenses of education <<<


pronunciation: youshi
keyword: family
translation: adopted [foster] son [daughter], son-in-law, daughter-in-law
養子にする: youshinisuru: adopt a child
養子にやる: youshiniyaru: give one's child as an adopted son
養子に行く: youshiniiku: be adopted as a person's son <<<
養子に成る: youshininaru <<<
養子先: youshisaki: adoptive family <<<
養子縁組: youshiengumi: adoption <<< 縁組
related words: 養女

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