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Direct access: 舶来 , 博覧 , 発注 , 発表 , 発売 , 半額 , 繁盛 , 販売 , 売却 , 買収


pronunciation: hakurai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: importation
舶来の: hakuraino: imported, foreign-made
舶来品: hakuraihin: imported goods, foreign-made article <<<
synonyms: 輸入


pronunciation: hakuran
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , education
translation: erudition, literacy
博覧の: hakurannno: well-read, well-informed
博覧会: hakurankai: exhibition, exposition, fair, expo <<<
博覧会場: hakurankaijou: exhibition [exposition, fair] grounds <<< 会場
related words: 展覧会


pronunciation: hatchuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: order (n.)
発注する: hatchuusuru: order (v.), give an order
発注主: hatchuunushi: orderer <<<
発注先: hatchuusaki <<<
発注済: hatchuuzumi: on order, already ordered <<<
誤発注: gohatchuu: wrong order <<<
related words: 注文


pronunciation: happyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , business
translation: announcement, declaration, publication, presentation, release (n.)
発表する: happyousuru: announce, declare, publish, present, release (v.)
未発表: mihappyou: unpublished <<<


pronunciation: hatsubai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: release (n.), issue
発売する: hatsubaisuru: release (v.), put on sale
発売所: hatsubaisho: sales agent <<<
発売元: hatsubaimoto <<<
発売中: hatsubaichuu: for sale <<<
発売日: hatsubaibi: launching date <<<
発売禁止: hatsubaikinshi: sale prohibited <<< 禁止
発売予定: hatsubaiyotei: expected release <<< 予定
発売予定日: hatsubaiyoteibi: expected release date <<<
synonyms: 販売


pronunciation: hangaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: half price, half rate
半額で: hangakude: at half price, at half the usual price (charge)
半額に下げる: hangakunisageru: cut the price by half, make a fifty percent discount <<<
半額セール: hangakuseeru: half pricing sale


pronunciation: hanjou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: prosperity, wealth, affluence
繁盛する: hanjousuru: prosper, be prosperous, thrive, flourish, have a large practice
繁盛した: hanjoushita: prosperous, flourishing, thriving
related words: 繁栄


pronunciation: hanbai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: sale, selling, distribution
販売する: hanbaisuru: sell, deal, trade
販売店: hanbaiten: store [shop] (of a brand), dealer <<<
販売員: hanbaiin: seller, dealer, salesman <<<
販売人: hanbainin <<<
販売係: hanbaigakari <<<
販売課: hanbaika: sales department <<<
販売高: hanbaidaka: sales (amount), turnover <<<
販売網: hanbaimou: sales network, distribution channel <<<
販売価格: hanbaikakaku: selling price <<< 価格
販売組合: hanbaikumiai: guild <<< 組合
販売代理店: hanbaidairiten: selling agent, distributor
related words: 発売 , 市販


pronunciation: baikyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: divestment, sell-off, clearance
売却する: baikyakusuru: divest, sell off, clear


pronunciation: baishuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , crime
translation: purchase (n.), bribery, corruption, takeover, buyout
買収する: baishuusuru: purchase (v.), corrupt, bribe
買収される: baishuusareru: accept a bribe
買収者: baishuusha: briber <<<
買収策: baishuusaku: purchase plan <<<
買収価格: baishuukakaku: purchase [buying] price <<< 価格
買収運動: baishuuundou: bribe campaign <<< 運動
related words: 贈賄

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