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Direct access: 灯油 , 動脈 , 動力 , 荷車 , 荷造 , 荷札 , 荷物 , 燃油 , 燃料 , 乗組


pronunciation: touyu
keyword: transport , house
translation: kerosene, paraffin oil


pronunciation: doumyaku
keyword: organs , transport
translation: artery
動脈の: doumyakuno: arterial
動脈瘤: doumyakuryuu: aneurysm <<<
動脈炎: doumyakuen: arterial inflammation <<<
動脈血: doumyakuketsu: arterial blood <<<
動脈硬化: doumyakukouka: arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries <<< 硬化
動脈硬化症: doumyakukoukashou <<<
動脈切開: doumyakusekkai: arteriotomy
大動脈: daidoumyaku: main artery <<<
大動脈炎: daidoumyakuen: aortitis <<<
頚動脈: keidoumyaku: carotid
related words: 静脈


pronunciation: douryoku
keyword: technology , transport
translation: power (n.), dynamic force
動力の: douryokuno: dynamic
動力計: douryokukei: dynamometer <<<
動力線: douryokusen: power line <<<
動力装置: douryokusouchi: power plant <<< 装置
動力ブレーキ: douryokubureeki: power brake


pronunciation: niguruma
keyword: transport
translation: cart, wagon, handcart
荷車を引く: nigurumaohiku: draw [pull] a cart <<<
related words: カート , ワゴン


pronunciation: niZukuri
other spells: 荷作り
keyword: transport
translation: packing, baling, wrapping
荷造する: niZukurisuru: pack (up), package (v.), bale (up), wrap
荷造を解く: niZukuriotoku: unpack <<<
荷造費: niZukurihi: packing charge, package (n.) <<<
荷造人: niZukurinin: packer, baler, wrapper <<<
related words: 梱包


pronunciation: nihuda
keyword: transport
translation: tag (n.), label
荷札を付ける: nihudaotsukeru: put on a tag, tag (v.), label <<<
related words: タグ , ラベル


pronunciation: nimotsu
keyword: transport
translation: baggage, luggage, parcel, burden
荷物を積む: nimotsuotsumu: load with things, load goods on to <<<
荷物を降ろす: nimotsuoorosu: unload, discharge <<<
荷物を預ける: nimotsuoazukeru: book one's luggage, check in one's luggage <<<
荷物室: nimotsushitsu: cargo compartment <<<
手荷物: tenimotsu: hand baggage <<<
related words: 小包 , 貨物


pronunciation: nennyu
keyword: transport , house
translation: fuel oil, heating oil
related words: 燃料


pronunciation: nenryou
keyword: energy , transport
translation: fuel
燃料が切れる: nenryougakireru: run out of fuel <<<
燃料油: nenryouyu: fuel oil <<<
燃料オイル: nenryouoiru
燃料費: nenryouhi: fuel expense <<<
燃料を補給する: nenryouohokyuusuru: refuel <<< 補給
燃料噴射: nenryouhunsha: fuel injection <<< 噴射
燃料電池: nenryoudenchi: fuel cell <<< 電池
核燃料: kakunenryou: nuclear fuel <<<
related words: 燃油


pronunciation: norikumi
keyword: transport
translation: boarding, crew
乗組む: norikumu: get [go] on board
乗組員: norikumiin: crew, member of a crew <<<

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