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Direct access: 泥濘 , 熱気 , 発生 , 疾風 , 春雨 , 晴々 , 被害 , 東風 , 日差 , 日照り


pronunciation: nukarumi
keyword: weather
translation: mud, mire, muddy place
泥濘に填まる: nukaruminihamaru: get stuck in the mud <<<
泥濘に足を取られる: nukaruminiashiotorareru
泥濘む: nukarumu: be muddy, be slushy
泥濘る: nukaru


pronunciation: nekki
keyword: weather
translation: hot air, heat
熱気消毒: nekkishoudoku: hot-air sterilization <<< 消毒
熱気消毒器: nekkishoudokuki: hot-air sterilizator <<<
antonyms: 冷気 , 寒気


pronunciation: hassei
keyword: biology , weather
translation: occurrence, outbreak, appearance, generation
発生する: hasseisuru: take place, occur, break out, appear, generate, accrue
発生の: hasseino: genetic, genetical
発生上の: hasseijouno <<<
発生的: hasseiteki <<<
発生学: hasseigaku: embryology <<<
発生地: hasseichi: place of origin, birthplace, cradle <<<
発生器: hasseiki: generator <<<


pronunciation: hayate, shippuu
other spells: 早手
keyword: weather
translation: gale, blast of wind


pronunciation: harusame
keyword: japanese food , weather
translation: spring rain, transparent noodles made from potato starch (like spring rain)


pronunciation: harebare
other spells: 晴れ晴れ
keyword: weather
translation: clearness, cheerfulness
晴々した: harebareshita: clear, fine, lighthearted, cheerful
気が晴々する: kigaharebaresuru: feel cheerful [refreshed] <<<


pronunciation: higai
keyword: weather
translation: damage, loss, harm, injury, casualties
被害届: higaitodoke: damage report <<<
被害を被る: higaiokoumuru: suffer damage, be damaged <<<
被害を受ける: higaioukeru <<<
被害を与える: higaioataeru: damage (v.), devastate, ravage <<<
被害を及ぼす: higaiooyobosu <<<
被害を免れる: higaiomanugareru: escape damage <<<
被害者: higaisha: victim <<<
被害地: higaichi: ravaged area, damaged region <<<
被害妄想: higaimousou: persecution mania <<< 妄想
related words: 損害


pronunciation: higashikaze, touhuu
keyword: weather
translation: east wind
東風汽車: touhuukisha: Dongfeng Motor (a Chinese automobile manufacturer) <<< 汽車


pronunciation: hizashi
other spells: 陽射
keyword: weather
translation: sunlight
日差が暖かい: hizashigaatatakai: weather is mild <<<
related words: 日光


pronunciation: hideri
keyword: weather
translation: drought, dry weather
日照り続き: hideritsuZuki: long drought, spell of dry weather <<<
related words: 旱魃

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