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Direct access: 年少 , 年配 , 配偶 , 花婿 , 花嫁 , 母親 , 伴侶 , 人妻 , 一人 , 夫婦


pronunciation: nenshou
keyword: family
translation: youth
年少の: nenshouno: young
年少者: nenshousha: a youth, minor <<<
最年少者: sainenshousha: the youngest <<<
年少犯罪: nenshouhanzai: juvenile delinquency <<< 犯罪
年少労働者: nenshouroudousha: child [minor] laborer
related words: , 少年


pronunciation: nenpai
other spells: 年輩
keyword: life , family
translation: elder (n.)
年配の: nenpaino: elder (a.), elderly
年配の人: nenpainohito: elderly person <<<


pronunciation: haiguu
keyword: family
translation: accompaniment, couple, pair, husband and wife
配偶子: haiguushi: gamete <<<
配偶者: haiguusha: one's wife [husband], spouse <<< , 連合い , ,
配偶者控除: haiguushakoujo: tax exemption for one's wife [husband] <<< 控除
配偶関係: haiguukankei: marital status <<< 関係
related words: 夫婦


pronunciation: hanamuko
keyword: love , family
translation: bridegroom, groom
synonyms: 新郎
antonyms: 花嫁


pronunciation: hanayome
keyword: love , family
translation: bride
花嫁の: hanayomeno: bridal
花嫁姿の: hanayomesugatano: in bridal dress <<< 姿
花嫁衣裳: hanayomeishou: bridal finery (suit, dress) <<< 衣裳
花嫁学校: hanayomegakkou: finishing school <<< 学校


pronunciation: hahaoya
keyword: family
translation: mother, mama
related words: 父親 , ママ


pronunciation: hanryo
keyword: family
translation: companion, spouse
旅の伴侶: tabinohanryo: travelling companion <<<


pronunciation: hitoZuma
keyword: family
translation: another's wife, married woman
related words: 夫人


pronunciation: hitori
keyword: family
translation: one person
一人で: hitoride: alone, by oneself
一人で暮らす: hitoridekurasu: live alone, remain single <<<
一人残らず: hitorinokorazu: every one, all together, to the last man, one and all <<<
一人ずつ: hitorizutsu: one at a time, individually
一人一人: hitorihitori
一人当たり: hitoriatari: for each person, per head, per capita <<<
一人っ子: hitorikko: one's only child <<<
一人娘: hitorimusume: one's only daughter <<<
一人息子: hitorimusuko: one's only son <<< 息子
一人部屋: hitoribeya: single room [bedroom] <<< 部屋 , 個室
一人前: ichininmae: one portion, manhood <<<
一人前の: ichininmaeno: grown-up, independent, self-supporting, respectable
一人前に成る: ichininmaeninaru: come of age, become independent <<<
synonyms: 単独 , ソロ


pronunciation: huuhu
keyword: family , love
translation: couple (husband and wife), pair
夫婦の: huuhuno: conjugal, marital, matrimonial
夫婦の縁: huuhunoen: marriage-tie, marriage [wedding] knot <<<
夫婦に成る: huuhuninaru: get married, live in wedlock <<<
夫婦連れで: huuhuZurede: with one's wife [husband] <<<
夫婦愛: huuhuai: conjugal affection <<<
夫婦仲: huuhunaka: conjugal relations <<<
夫婦喧嘩: huuhugenka: domestic scene <<< 喧嘩
新夫婦: shinhuuhu: newly married couple, newlyweds <<<
若夫婦: wakahuuhu: young couple, young married <<<
老夫婦: rouhuuhu: old couple <<<
related words: 結婚

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