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Direct access: 専業 , 先任 , 専任 , 専門 , 総裁 , 側近 , 増員 , 退役 , 退社 , 退職


pronunciation: sengyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: special [principal] occupation
専業とする: sengyoutosuru: make a specialty of, specialize in
専業農家: sengyounouka: full-time farmer <<< 農家
専業主婦: sengyoushuhu: full-time housewife <<< 主婦
related words: 専門 , 職業


pronunciation: sennnin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: seniority
先任の: sennninnno: senior
先任者: sennninsha: senior official [member], one's predecessor <<<
先任順: sennninjun: order of seniority <<<


pronunciation: sennnin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: full-time (job)
専任の: sennninnno: full-time
専任教員: sennninkyouin: full-time teacher <<< 教員
専任理事: sennninriji: full-time trustee <<< 理事


pronunciation: senmon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: specialty
専門の: senmonnno: special, technical
専門にやる: senmonnniyaru: make a specialty of, specialize [major] in
専門に扱う: senmonnniatsukau <<<
専門家: senmonka: specialist, professional, expert, pundit <<< , スペシャリスト
専門医: senmonni: medical specialist <<<
専門化: senmonka: specialization <<<
専門化する: senmonkasuru: specialize
専門店: senmonten: specialized dealer, specialty shop <<<
専門語: senmongo: technical term [terminology] <<<
専門教育: senmonkyouiku: technical [professional] education <<< 教育
専門学校: senmongakkou: professional school <<< 学校
専門分野: senmonbunnya: subject, field, specialty, speciality, professional discipline, specialist area <<< 分野
専門領域: senmonryouiki <<< 領域
専門知識: senmonchishiki: expertise <<< 知識
related words: 特技 , 専攻


pronunciation: sousai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , job
translation: president (of a big organization), governor
副総裁: hukusousai: vice-president <<<


pronunciation: sokkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: one's close aides, close attendants, chamberlain
側近者: sokkinsha <<<
related words: 侍従


pronunciation: zouin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: increase of the personnel [staff]
増員する: zouinsuru: increase the staff


pronunciation: taieki
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: job
translation: retirement (from services)
退役する: taiekisuru: retire (from services)
退役軍人: taiekigunjin: ex-service man, veteran, retired officer <<< 軍人
synonyms: 引退


pronunciation: taisha
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: job
translation: retirement from a company, office-leaving
退社する: taishasuru: retire from a company, leave office, get away from work
退社時間: taishajikan: office-leaving time <<< 時間
related words: 退職


pronunciation: taishoku
kanji characters: 退 ,
keyword: job
translation: retirement, resignation
退職する: taishokusuru: resign [leave, vacate] an office, retire from office [service]
退職者: taishokusha: retired employee, person who has left the company <<<
退職金: taishokukin: retiring allowance, discharge allowance <<<
退職手当: taishokuteate <<< 手当
退職勧告: taishokukankoku: advice to resign <<< 勧告
退職奨励: taishokushourei: encouragement to retire <<< 奨励
退職官吏: taishokukanri: retired official <<< 官吏
退職資金: taishokushikin: retirement fund <<< 資金
退職年金: taishokunenkin: retirement annuity <<< 年金
退職年限: taishokunengen: retirement age limit
related words: 退社

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