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Direct access: 平均 , 平行 , 平方 , 平面 , 変数 , 方形 , 方程式 , 未知 , 無限 , 無理


pronunciation: heikin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: average (n.), mean, balance
平均の: heikinnno: mean (a.)
平均して: heikinshite: on an average
平均する: keikinsuru: average (v.)
平均を取る: heikinnotoru: balance, poise <<<
平均の取れた: heikinnnotoreta: well-balanced
平均を失う: heikinnoushinau: lose one's balance <<<
平均値: heikinchi: mean value, average <<<
平均点: heikinten: average mark <<<
平均台: heikindai: balance beam <<<
平均寿命: heikinjumyou: average life span <<< 寿命
平均気温: heikinkion: mean temperature <<< 気温
related words: 普通


pronunciation: heikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: parallelism
平行の: heikouno: parallel
平行する: heikousuru: run parallel to
平行線: heikousen: parallel lines <<<
平行棒: heikoubou: parallel bars <<<
平行定規: heikoujougi: parallel ruler <<< 定規
平行六面体: heikourokumentai: parallelepiped
related words: 並行


pronunciation: heihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics , unit
translation: square (n.)
平方の: heihouno: square (a.)
平方根: heihoukon: square root <<< , ルート
平方メートル: heihoumeetoru: square meter
一平方メートル: ichiheihoumeetoru: one square meter
related words: 立方


pronunciation: heimen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: plane surface
平面の: heimennno: plane, level, flat
平面図: heimenzu: plane figure, floor plan <<<
平面幾何: heimenkika: plane geometry <<< 幾何
平面幾何学: heimenkikagaku <<<
平面交差: heimenkousa: grade crossing, level crossing <<< 交差
平面曲線: heimenkyokusen: plane curve <<< 曲線
平面三角法: heimensankakuhou: plane trigonometry
related words: 立体


pronunciation: hensuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: variable


pronunciation: houkei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: square
正方形: seihoukei: (regular) square <<<
正方形の: seihoukeino: square (a.)
長方形: chouhoukei: rectangle, oblong (n.) <<<
長方形の: chouhoukeino: rectangular, oblong (a.)


pronunciation: houteishiki
kanji characters: , ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: equation
方程式を解く: houteishikiotoku: solve an equation <<<
方程式を立てる: houteishikiotateru: set up an equation <<<


pronunciation: michi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: unknown, strange
未知の: michino
未知の人: michinohito: stranger <<<
未知数: michisuu: unknown quantity <<<


pronunciation: mugen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: infinity, eternity
無限の: mugennno: infinite, endless, unlimited, limitless, unbounded
無限に: mugennni: infinitely, boundlessly, endlessly, eternally
無限小: mugenshou: infinitesimal <<<
無限大: mugendai: infinite <<<
無限級数: mugenkyuusuu: infinite series
無限責任: mugensekinin: unlimited liability, unrestricted obligation <<< 責任
related words: 有限


pronunciation: muri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: mathematics
translation: impossibility, excess
無理な: murina: impossible, unreasonable, unnatural, excessive, immoderate
無理に: murini: by force, forcibly
無理矢理: muriyari
無理をする: muriosuru: overwork (oneself)
無理も無い: murimonai: reasonable, natural, excusable, pardonable <<<
無理強い: murijii: compulsion, coercion <<<
無理を言う: murioiu, murioyuu: cry [ask] for the moon, make an unreasonable demand <<<
無理数: murisuu: irrational number <<<
無理式: murishiki: irrational expression <<<
無理方程式: murihouteishiki: irrational equation <<< 方程式
無理心中: murishinjuu: suicide together forcibly <<< 心中
無理難題: murinandai: unreasonable demand <<< 難題

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