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Direct access: 怠け者 , 縄張り , 肉食 , 剥製 , 発情 , 針鼠 , 馬具 , 狒々 , 白虎 , 捕鯨


pronunciation: namakemono
keyword: job , animal
translation: idler, lazy person, lazybones, sloth
怠け者の: namakemonono: lazy
怠け者な: namakemonona


pronunciation: nawabari
keyword: animal , crime
translation: one's territory [domain], one's sphere of influence
縄張りを荒す: nawabarioarasu: break into a person's domain [territory] <<<
縄張りを争う: nawabarioarasou: quarrel over one's sphere of influence <<<
縄張り争い: nawabariarasoi: rivalry for sphere of influence, jurisdictional dispute


pronunciation: nikushoku
keyword: animal , biology
translation: meat diet
肉食する: nikushokusuru: eat meat, eat flesh
肉食の: nikushokuno: carnivorous
肉食性: nikushokusei <<<
肉食獣: nikushokujuu: carnivorous animal, meat eater <<<
肉食動物: nikushokudoubutsu <<< 動物
肉食鳥: nikushokuchou: bird of prey, rapacious bird <<< , 猛禽
肉食虫: nikushokuchuu: predacious insect <<<
肉食植物: nikushokushokubutsu: carnivorous plant <<< 植物
related words: 草食


pronunciation: hakusei
keyword: animal , bird
translation: stuffed animal [bird]
剥製の: hakuseino: stuffed
剥製にする: hakuseinisuru: stuff
剥製師: hakuseishi: taxidermist <<<
剥製術: hakuseijutsu: taxidermy <<<


pronunciation: hatsujou
keyword: animal
translation: rut, heat
発情する: hatsujousuru: (go to) rut, get on heat
発情した: hatsujoushita: in rut [heat]
発情期: hatsujouki: mating season, puberty <<<
related words: , 交尾


pronunciation: harinezumi
other spells: ハリネズミ
keyword: animal
translation: hedgehog


pronunciation: bagu
keyword: animal
translation: harness, horse trappings
馬具を付ける: baguotsukeru: harness (a horse) <<<
馬具を外す: baguohazusu: unharness (a horse) <<<
馬具師: bagushi: saddler, harness maker <<<
related words: ハーネス


pronunciation: hihi
other spells: 狒狒
keyword: animal
translation: baboon, dog ape
狒々爺: hihijijii: lustful [dirty] old man <<<
related words:


pronunciation: byakko
keyword: animal
translation: white tiger (one of 4 Chinese cardinal symbols)
白虎隊: byakkotai: White Tiger Regiment (a group of young samurais who defended Aizu Castle in 1868) <<<


pronunciation: hogei
keyword: animal
translation: whaling
捕鯨業: hogeigyou: whale hunt <<<
捕鯨砲: hogeihou: whaling [harpoon] gun <<<
捕鯨船: hogeisen: whaling ship, whaler <<<
捕鯨船団: hogeisendan: fleet of whalers <<< 船団
捕鯨会社: hogeigaisha: whaling company <<< 会社

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