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Direct access: 上司 , 常務 , 女中 , 辞令 , 人材 , 人事 , 遂行 , 推薦 , 性別 , 責任


pronunciation: joushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: boss, superior
antonyms: 部下


pronunciation: joumu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: business routine, managing [executive] director
常務取締役: joumutorishimariyaku: managing [executive] director
常務委員会: joumuiinkai: standing committee


pronunciation: jochuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house , job
translation: maidservant, housemaid, female servant
synonyms: メイド
antonyms: 下男


pronunciation: jirei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: written [writ of] appointment, commission, diction, wording
辞令を貰う: jireiomorau: receive an official (announcement of) appointment <<<


pronunciation: jinzai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: man of ability (talent), talented man
人材を求める: jinzaiomotomeru: look out for talent <<<


pronunciation: jinji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: human affairs, personnel affairs
人事院: jinjiin: National Personnel Authority <<<
人事課: jinjika: personnel section [office] <<<
人事部: jinjibu: personnel department [division], staff [human resources] department <<<
人事欄: jinjiran: personal column <<<
人事異動: jinjiidou: personnel changes
人事管理: jinjikanri: personnel management <<< 管理
人事行政: jinjigyousei: personnel administration <<< 行政
人事考課: jinjikouka: performance [merit] rating, personnel rating [evaluation]
人事部長: jinjibuchou: personnel director [manager] <<< 部長
人事問題: jinjimondai: personnel problem <<< 問題
人事相談所: jinjisoudansho: private affairs consultation office
人事を尽くして天命を待つ: jinjiotsukushitetenmeiomatsu: do one's best and leave the rest to Providence, man proposes and God disposes
人事不省: jinjihusei: syncope, syncopation <<< 気絶
人事不省に陥る: jinjihuseiniochiiru: fall senseless, lose consciousness, pass out, faint


pronunciation: suikou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: execution, accomplishment
遂行する: suikousuru: execute, carry out, perform, accomplish


pronunciation: suisen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , job
translation: recommendation, nomination
推薦する: suisensuru: recommend
推薦状: suisenjou: letter of recommendation, testimonial letter <<<
推薦者: suisensha: recommender <<<
推薦候補: suisenkouho: recommended candidate <<< 候補


pronunciation: seibetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: medicine , job
translation: sex distinction
性別を問わず: seibetsuotowazu: without distinction of sex <<<


pronunciation: sekinin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: responsibility, charge, blame
責任有る: sekininnaru: responsible, accountable <<<
責任が有る: sekiningaaru: be responsible [accountable]
責任を取る: sekininnotoru: take the responsibility (for), charge oneself (with) <<<
責任を負う: sekininnoou: take the responsibility, be responsible <<<
責任を負わぬ: sekininnoowanu: disclaim all the responsibility
責任を問う: sekininnotou: call a person to account <<<
責任を逃れる: sekininnonogareru: shirk one's responsibility <<<
責任者: sekininsha: responsible (person), person in charge <<<
責任感: sekininkan: sense of duty, duteousness <<<
責任観念: sekininkannnen: sense of responsibility
責任解除: sekininkaijo: release from responsibility <<< 解除
責任内閣: sekininnnaikaku: responsible Cabinet <<< 内閣
責任能力: sekininnnouryoku: accountability, competency <<< 能力
無責任: musekinin: irresponsibility <<<
無責任な: musekininnna: irresponsible

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