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Direct access: 目的 , 文句 , 用語 , 四格 , 略語 , 和文 , 和訳 , , ,


pronunciation: mokuteki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , grammar
translation: object, target, goal
目的の無い: mokutekinonai: aimless, purposeless <<<
目的を達する: mokutekiotassuru: attain one's object (aim), fulfill one's purpose <<<
目的地: mokutekichi: destination <<<
目的格: mokutekikaku: objective case <<<
目的語: mokutekigo: object (word) <<<
目的論: mokutekiron: teleology <<<
related words: 目標


pronunciation: monku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: wording, phraseology, expression, phrase, words, complaint, objection
文句を言う: monkuoiu: make a complaint (to), grumble (at, about, over), object (to), find fault with <<<
文句を言わずに: monkuoiwazuni: without grumbling [a murmur]
文句無しの: monkunashino: perfect, satisfactory, ideal <<<
文句無しに: monkunashini: perfectly, satisfactorily, ideally
文句無く: monkunaku: simply, completely, fully, entirely, thoroughly
決り文句: kimarimonku: set [conventional, hackneyed, stereotyped] phrase [expression], cliché, same old excuse, boilerplate <<<
殺し文句: koroshimonku: killing [telling] expression, high words <<<
歌い文句: utaimonku: catchword, catchphrase, slogan <<< , スローガン
related words: 言葉


pronunciation: yougo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: term, terminology, wording, diction, vocabulary
用語集: yougoshuu: glossary, lexicon <<<
用語に注意する: yougonichuuisuru: speak carefully <<< 注意
related words: 語彙


pronunciation: yonkaku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 4格
keyword: grammar
translation: accusative
第四格: daiyonkaku <<<
related words: 一格 , 二格 , 三格


pronunciation: ryakugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: abbreviation, abbreviated word


pronunciation: wabun
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: Japanese sentence [writing]
和文英訳: wabunneiyaku: translation from English to Japanese, Japanese-English translation
和文英訳する: wabunneiyakusuru: translate Japanese into English
和文仏訳: wabunhutsuyaku: translation from French to Japanese, Japanese-French translation
和文仏訳する: wabunhutsuyakusuru: translate Japanese into French
和文独訳: wabundokuyaku: translation from German to Japanese, Japanese-German translation
和文独訳する: wabundokuyakusuru: translate Japanese into German
和文電報: wabundenpou: telegram in Japanese <<< 電報
related words: 日本語


pronunciation: wayaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: grammar
translation: Japanese translation
和訳する: wayakusuru: translate [put, turn] into Japanese
和訳聖書: wayakuseisho: Japanese translation [version] of the Bible <<< 聖書

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 4
translation: book, text, culture
bun, mon
文: mon: shoes' size (jp.)
文: aya: pattern, design <<< デザイン
文: moji: alphabet, letter, characters <<< 文字
文: humi: book, letter, mail (jp.)

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 5
translation: phrase, paragraph, section, passage, expression, verse
ku, kou
句: kugiri: punctuation, punctuation mark, period, full stop

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 6
translation: give birth, pseudonym of childhood, writing (ext.), letter (give birth to more complex letters), script, alphabet, character
字を書く: jiokaku: write <<<
字が書けない: jigakakenai: illiterate, analphabetic <<<
字を読む: jioyomu: read, decipher <<<
字む: umu: give birth <<<
字: moji: letter, alphabet, script <<< 文字
字: azana: pseudonym of childhood, courtesy name, nickname
字す: masu: increase (v.) <<<
字: aza: hamlet (jp.)

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