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Direct access: 防腐 , 真水 , 満杯 , 満腹 , 味覚 , 蒸焼 , 名物 , 目玉 , 藻付 , 餅搗


pronunciation: bouhu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: antisepsis
防腐の: bouhuno: antiseptic (a.), antiseptical
防腐剤: bouhuzai: antiseptic (n.), preservative <<<
防腐剤を施す: bouhuzaiohodokosu: apply antiseptic treatment (to) <<<


pronunciation: mamizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: nature , food
translation: fresh water
related words: 淡水


pronunciation: manpai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food , transport
translation: fullness, completeness (cup, container)
満杯だ: manpaida: full, complete
related words: 満員


pronunciation: manpuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: full stomach, satiety
満腹する: manpukusuru: eat to the full, eat one's fill
満腹して: manpukushite: on a full stomach
満腹だ: manpukuda: I am full
満腹感: manpukukan: feeling of satiety <<<


pronunciation: mikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: palate, (sense of) taste
味覚の: mikakuno: gustative, gustatory
味覚をそそる: mikakuososoru: appetizing, delicious-looking
味覚神経: mikakushinkei: taste bud <<< 神経
味覚細胞: mikakusaibou: gustatory cell <<< 細胞
味覚器官: mikakukikan: gustatory organ <<< 器官


pronunciation: mushiyaki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 蒸し焼
keyword: food
translation: roast meat [fish]
蒸焼の: mushiyakino: roast (a.), baked
蒸焼にする: mushiyakinisuru: roast (v.), bake
related words: ロースト


pronunciation: meibutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: food
translation: noted (special) product, specialty, special (feature) attraction
名物男: meibutsuotoko: popular figure, local character <<<


pronunciation: medama
kanji characters: ,
keyword: body , food
translation: eyeball, eye-catcher
目玉焼: medamayaki: (two) fried eggs, sunny-side up <<<
目玉商品: medamashouhin: feature, loss leader <<< 商品
大目玉: oomedama: scolding <<<
大目玉を食う: oomedamaokuu: get a scolding, get it hot and strong <<<
御目玉を食う: omedamaokuu
related words: 眼球


pronunciation: mozuku
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 水雲, 海蘊, モズク
keyword: sea , food
translation: a fine eatable seaweed, mozuku


pronunciation: mochitsuki
kanji characters:
other spells: 餅つき
keyword: food
translation: mochi pounding [kneading]
餅搗機: mochitsukiki: mochi pounding [kneading] machine <<<

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