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Direct access: 重量 , 迅速 , 人力 , 制限 , 接近 , 専用 , 全員 , 全力 , 全輪 , 倉庫


pronunciation: juuryou
keyword: physics , transport
translation: weight, heft
重量を量る: juuryouohakaru: weigh <<<
重量挙げ: juuryouage: weight lifting <<<
重量挙げ選手: juuryouagesenshu: weight lifter <<< 選手
重量級: juuryoukyuu: heavy weight <<<
重量品: juuryouhin: heavy burden <<<
重量不足: juuryoubusoku: short weight <<< 不足
重量超過: juuryouchouka: extra weight <<< 超過
総重量: soujuuryou: gross weight <<<
重量トン: juuryouton: dead weight tonnage
重量トン数: juuryoutonsuu <<<
synonyms: 質量


pronunciation: jinsoku
keyword: transport
translation: swiftness, quickness, haste
迅速な: jinsokuna: swift, quick, hasty, rapid, spanking
迅速に: jinsokuni: swiftly, quickly, rapidly
synonyms: 高速 , 急速


pronunciation: jinriki, jinryoku
keyword: transport
translation: human power [strength]
人力車: jinrikisha: ricksha <<<


pronunciation: seigen
keyword: transport
translation: restriction, limitation, limit (n.), restraint
制限する: seigensuru: restrict, limit (v.), restrain
制限を受ける: seigennoukeru: be subject to restriction <<<
無制限: museigen: unlimited, unrestricted <<<
制限無く: seigennnaku
制限速度: seigensokudo: speed limit <<< 速度
制限時間: seigenjikan: time limit, restricted hours <<< 時間
制限区域: seigenkuiki: restricted area <<< 区域
related words: 限定


pronunciation: sekkin
keyword: transport
translation: approach (n.), rapprochement, access
接近する: sekkinsuru: approach (v.), draw near
接近した: sekkinshita: close by, nearby, contiguous
related words: 接触 , アプローチ


pronunciation: sennyou
keyword: transport
translation: appropriation, exclusive use
専用の: sennyouno: exclusive, special, private
専用車: sennyousha: exclusive car for <<<
専用機: sennyouki: special aircraft <<<
related words: 専有


pronunciation: zennin
keyword: transport
translation: all the members, entire staff, crew
全員一致: zenninnitchi: unanimity <<< 一致
全員一致の: zenninnitchino: unanimous
全員一致で: zenninnitchide: unanimously, with one voice


pronunciation: zenryoku
keyword: sport , transport
translation: all one's strength
全力で: zenryokude: at one's best, at full power, at full throttle
全力を尽くす: zenryokuotsukusu: do one's best <<<
全力を注ぐ: zenryokuososogu: devote oneself to something, put all one's energies <<<
全力疾走: zenryokushissou: sprint (n.), spurt, full throttle


pronunciation: zenrin
keyword: transport , car
translation: whole wheels
全輪駆動: zenrinkudou: four wheel drive <<< 駆動
related words: 前輪


pronunciation: souko
keyword: business , transport
translation: warehouse (n.), storehouse
倉庫に入れる: soukoniireru: warehouse (v.), store <<<
倉庫渡し: soukowatashi: ex warehouse <<<
倉庫係: soukogakari: warehouse keeper <<<
倉庫業: soukogyou: warehousing <<<
倉庫会社: soukogaisha: warehouse company <<< 会社
倉庫業者: soukogyousha: warehouseman <<< 業者
倉庫証券: soukoshouken: warehouse bond [warrant], receipt for goods stored <<< 証券

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