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Direct access: 山岳 , 三国 , 山脈 , 四方 , 島国 , 周囲 , 周辺 , 出身 , 首都 , 植民


pronunciation: sangaku
keyword: geography , nature
translation: (high) mountain
山岳病: sangakubyou: mountain sickness <<<
山岳地帯: sangakuchitai: mountainous region <<< 地帯
山岳地方: sangakuchihou <<< 地方
山岳会: sangakukai: Alpine club <<<
山岳クラブ: sangakukurabu


pronunciation: sangoku
keyword: geography , history
translation: three countries (especially Japan, China and India)
三国一: sangokuichi: best of the world, peerless <<<
三国人: sangokujin: Asian foreigners from ex Japanese colonies <<<
三国志: sangokushi: Chinese historic novel on the Three Kingdoms <<<
三国時代: sangokujidai: period when China was divided three kingdoms <<< 時代
三国同盟: sangokudoumei: Triple Alliance <<< 同盟
三国協定: sangokukyoutei: Tripartite Agreement <<< 協定
三国干渉: sangokukanshou: Triple Intervention <<< 干渉
三国協商: sangokukyoushou: Triple Entente
第三国: daisangoku: a third nation <<<


pronunciation: sanmyaku
keyword: geography , nature
translation: (mountain) chain
related words: 山並


pronunciation: shihou
keyword: geography
translation: all sides, all directions, all parts
四方八方: shihouhappou <<< 八方
四方に: shihouni: in all directions
四方から: shihoukara: from all directions
四方山の: yomoyamano: various <<<
四方山話: yomoyamabanashi: various topics [subjects] <<<
四方山話をする: yomoyamabanashiosuru: talk on various topics [subjects] <<<


pronunciation: shimaguni
keyword: geography
translation: island country [empire, kingdom]
島国の: shimagunino: insular
島国根性: shimagunikonjou: insular spirit, insularism <<< 根性


pronunciation: shuui
keyword: geography
translation: periphery, perimeter, circumference, surrounding (n.)
周囲の: shuuino: surrounding (a.), peripheral
周囲に: shuuini: around
related words: 周辺


pronunciation: shuuhen
keyword: geography , computer
translation: surrounding (n.), periphery, vicinity
周辺の: shuuhennno: surrounding (a.), in vicinity
周辺機器: shuuhenkiki: peripheral (device) <<< 機器
related words: 周囲


pronunciation: shusshin
keyword: geography
translation: nativity
出身の: shusshinnno: native
出身地: shusshinchi: native place <<<
出身校: shusshinkou: one's alma mater <<<


pronunciation: shuto
keyword: geography , politics
translation: capital (city)
首都圏: shutoken: metropolitan area <<<


pronunciation: shokumin
other spells: 殖民
keyword: geography , history
translation: colonization, settlement
植民する: shokuminsuru: colonize
植民地: shokuminchi: colony <<<
植民地的: shokuminchiteki: colonial <<<
植民地風: shokuminchihuu <<<
旧植民地: kyuushokuminchi: former colony <<<
植民地化: shokuminchika: colonization <<<
植民地化する: shokuminchikasuru: colonize <<<
植民地政策: shokuminchiseisaku: colonial policy <<< 政策
植民地戦争: shokuminchisensou: colonial war <<< 戦争
植民地時代: shokuminchijidai: colonial epoch <<< 時代
植民地主義: shokuminchishugi: colonialism <<< 主義
新植民地主義: shinshokuminchishugi: neocolonialism <<<
synonyms: 開拓
related words: 移住

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