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Direct access: 祖母 , 他人 , 団欒 , 知人 , 血筋 , 父親 , 長女 , 長男 , 連合い , 亭主


pronunciation: sobo, oba
keyword: family
translation: grandmother
御祖母さん: obaasan: grandma, gramma, granny, grannie <<<
御祖母ちゃん: obaachan
曽祖母: sousobo: great grandmother
曾祖母: sousobo <<<
related words: 祖父


pronunciation: tanin
keyword: family
translation: unrelated person, stranger, outsider, others
他人扱いする: taninnatsukaisuru: trait a person like a stranger <<<
他人行儀: taningyougi: reserved manners <<< 行儀
他人行儀にする: taningyouginisuru: be reserved, stand on ceremony (toward a person)
他人の空似: taninnnosorani: coincidental resemblance
赤の他人: akanotanin: utter [total] stranger <<<


pronunciation: danran
keyword: family
translation: happy circle
団欒する: danransuru: sit in a happy circle


pronunciation: chijin
keyword: family
translation: acquaintance
related words: 馴染


pronunciation: chisuji
keyword: family
translation: ties of blood, lineage, descent
血筋が良い: chisujigaii, chisujigayoi: come of a good stock, be of high [good] descent [blood] <<<
synonyms: 血統


pronunciation: chichioya
keyword: family
translation: father, papa
related words: 母親 , パパ


pronunciation: choujo
keyword: family
translation: the eldest [oldest] daughter [sister]
related words: 次女 , 長男


pronunciation: chounan
keyword: family
translation: the eldest [oldest] son [brother]
related words: 次男 , 長女


pronunciation: tsureai
other spells: 連れ合い
keyword: family
translation: one's husband, one's wife, one's spouse
related words: ,


pronunciation: teishu
keyword: family
translation: husband, master, host, landlord
亭主持ち: teishumochi: married woman <<<
亭主役: teishuyaku: host <<<
亭主役を務める: teishuyakuotsutomeru: play the host <<<
related words: 主人

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