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Direct access: 草食 , 胎生 , 脱兎 , 蹄鉄 , 冬眠 , 蜥蜴 , 屠殺 , 胡獱 , 馴鹿 , 動物


pronunciation: soushoku
keyword: plant , animal
translation: grass eating
草食する: soushokusuru: eat grass
草食の: soushokuno: herbivorous
草食性: soushokusei <<<
草食動物: soushokudoubutsu: herbivorous animal <<< 動物
related words: 肉食


pronunciation: taisei
keyword: animal
translation: viviparity
胎生の: taiseino: viviparous
胎生学: taiseigaku: embryology <<<
胎生動物: taiseidoubutsu: viviparous animal <<< 動物


pronunciation: datto
other spells: ダット
keyword: animal
translation: fleeing hare
脱兎の如く: dattonogotoku: with the swiftness of a hare in flight <<<


pronunciation: teitetsu
keyword: animal
translation: horseshoe
蹄鉄工: teitetsukou: farrier <<<
蹄鉄工場: teitetsukoujou: farriery <<< 工場
馬に蹄鉄を打つ: umaniteitetsuoutsu: shoe a horse
馬に蹄鉄を着ける: umaniteitetsuotsukeru


pronunciation: toumin
keyword: animal
translation: hibernation, winter sleep
冬眠する: touminsuru: hibernate
冬眠動物: toumindoubutsu: hibernating animal <<< 動物


pronunciation: tokage
keyword: animal
translation: lizard


pronunciation: tosatsu
keyword: animal
translation: slaughter (n.)
屠殺する: tosatsusuru: slaughter (v.)
屠殺場: tosatsujou: slaughterhouse, abattoir, butchery <<<
屠殺者: tosatsusha: slaughterer <<<


pronunciation: todo
other spells: トド
keyword: animal
translation: steller sea lion
related words: 海馬


pronunciation: tonakai
other spells: トナカイ
keyword: animal
translation: caribou, reindeer


pronunciation: doubutsu
keyword: animal , biology
translation: animal (n.), beast, creature
動物園: doubutsuen: zoo, zoological garden <<<
動物界: doubutsukai: animal kingdom, fauna <<<
動物学: doubutsugaku: zoology <<<
動物学者: doubutsugakusha: zoologist <<< 学者
動物性: doubutsusei: animality, animalism <<<
動物性油: doubutsuseiyu: animal oil <<<
動物性脂肪: doubutsuseishibou: animal fat <<< 脂肪
動物性蛋白: doubutsuseitanpaku: animal protein <<< 蛋白
動物性の: doubutsuseino: animal (a.), brute <<<
動物病院: doubutsubyouin: veterinary clinic <<< 病院
小動物: shoudoubutsu: small animal <<<
synonyms: , 畜生
antonyms: 植物

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