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Direct access: 大雪 , 温暖 , 温度 , 快晴 , 陽炎 , 風上 , 風下 , 風向 , 寒気 , 乾燥


pronunciation: ooyuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: heavy snow [snowfall]
大雪が降る: ooyukigahuru: it snows hard [heavily] <<<
antonyms: 小雪


pronunciation: ondan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: mildness, warmth
温暖な: ondannna: mild (climate), warm (a.)
温暖化: ondanka: (climate) warming <<<
温暖前線: ondanzensen: warm front <<< 前線
related words: 寒冷


pronunciation: ondo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: science , weather
translation: temperature
温度が上がる: ondogaagaru: The temperature rises. <<<
温度が下がる: ondogasagaru: The temperature falls. <<<
温度が高い: ondogatakai: The temperature is high. <<<
温度が低い: ondogahikui: The temperature is low. <<<
温度を計る: ondoohakaru: take the temperature <<<
温度計: ondokei: thermometer
温度を調節する: ondoochousetsusuru: regulate [adjust] the temperature <<< 調節
温度測定: ondosokutei: thermometry <<< 測定
related words: 気温 , 体温


pronunciation: kaisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: fine [fair] weather
快晴です: kaiseidesu: It is very fine.


pronunciation: kagerou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: heat haze, shimmer of the air
陽炎が立つ: kagerougatatsu: The air shimmers <<<
陽炎現象: kagerougenshou: schlieren <<< 現象


pronunciation: kazakami
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: windward (n.), weather side
風上の: kazakamino: windward (a.), upwind
風上へ: kazakamie: windward (adv.), upwind
風上に置けぬ奴: kazakaminiokenuyatsu: contemptible [disdainful] fellow
related words: 風下


pronunciation: kazashimo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: lee (n.), leeward, lee side
風下の: kazashimono: lee (a.), leeward
風下に: kazashimoni: one the leeward
related words: 風上


pronunciation: kazamuki, huukou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: direction of the wind, situation, humor
風向が変わる: kazamukigakawaru: The wind shifts, The direction of the wind changes <<<
風向が良い: kazamukigaii, kazamukigayoi: The wind is favorable, The wind turns for one, The situation is changing for the better <<<
風向が悪い: kazamukigawarui: The wind is unfavorable, The wind turns against one, The situation is changing for the worse <<<
風向を知る: kazamukioshiru: know [see] how the wind blows <<<
風向計: huukoukei: anemometer, wind vane <<<
related words: 形勢 , 機嫌


pronunciation: kanki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: cold air, coldness
synonyms: 冷気
antonyms: 熱気


pronunciation: kansou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather , food
translation: dryness, aridity
乾燥する: kansousuru: dry (vi.), become dry, dehydrate
乾燥させる: kansousaseru: dry (vt.), dehydrate
乾燥した: kansoushita: dry (a.), dried, thirsty, arid
乾燥室: kansoushitsu: drying room <<<
乾燥剤: kansouzai: desiccant, desiccative <<<
乾燥期: kansouki: dry season <<<
乾燥地: kansouchi: dry land <<<
乾燥肉: kansouniku: jerked meat [beef] <<<
乾燥卵: kansoutamago: dry [dehydrated] eggs <<<
乾燥玉子: kansoutamago <<< 玉子
乾燥器: kansouki: drier, dryer, desiccator <<<
乾燥装置: kansousouchi <<< 装置
乾燥野菜: kansouyasai: dry [dehydrated] vegetables <<< 野菜
乾燥果実: kansoukajitsu: dried fruit <<< 果実

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