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Direct access: 区域 , 区民 , 掲示 , 喧騒 , 下水 , 公園 , 郊外 , 交差 , 雑踏 , 市外


pronunciation: kuiki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography , town
translation: area, region, district, zone
区域内: kuikinai: inside [within] the limits [boundary] <<<
区域別: kuikibetsu: by district <<<
related words: 地区


pronunciation: kumin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration , town
translation: inhabitants of a ward
区民大会: kumintaikai: ward rally <<< 大会
related words: 住民 , 市民 , 町民


pronunciation: keiji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: computer , town
translation: notice, notification, placard (n.), bill
掲示する: keijisuru: notify, put up a notice, placard (v.)
掲示板: keijiban: bulletin board, notice board, signboard <<< , フォーラム
掲示場: keijijou: notice shed [wall] <<<
related words: 表示


pronunciation: kensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: noise, clamor, din
喧騒の: kensouno: blatant, clamorous, noisy
喧騒を極める: kensouokiwameru: make a great noise, be in an uproar <<<
喧騒を窮める: kensouokiwameru <<<
喧騒の巷: kensounochimata: noisy town <<<


pronunciation: gesui
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town , house
translation: sewer (system), drain, sewerage, sewage, drainage
下水が支えた: gesuigatsukaeta: The drain is stopped up <<<
下水溜め: gesuidame: sink, cesspool <<<
下水口: gesuikou: sinkhole <<<
下水孔: gesuikou <<<
下水管: gesuikan: drainpipe, drains <<<
下水道: gesuidou: sewer <<<
下水工事: gesuikouji: sewerage (works) <<< 工事
下水処理場: gesuishorijou: sewage works [plant]
related words: 排水 , 水道


pronunciation: kouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: park, public garden
公園墓地: kouenbochi: park cemetery <<< 墓地
related words: 庭園 , パーク


pronunciation: kougai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: suburb, outskirts, environs, surrounding (town)
郊外の: kougaino: near, suburban
郊外電車: kougaidensha: suburban railway, interurban (railroad) <<< 電車
郊外散歩: kougaisanpo: walk in the suburbs <<< 散歩
郊外生活: kougaiseikatsu: life in the suburbs, suburban life <<< 生活
related words: 近郊 , 市外


pronunciation: kousa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: intersection, crossing
交差する: kousasuru: cross (v.), intersect
交差した: kousashita: crossed
交差点: kousaten: crossing (point), intersection, junction <<<


pronunciation: zattou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: bustle, congestion (of traffic), crowd, throng
雑踏する: zattousuru: be crowded [thronged] (with people), be in a bustle
synonyms: 群衆


pronunciation: shigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: town
translation: outskirts of a city, suburbs
市外の: shigaino: suburban
市外電車: shigaidensha: suburban (electric) tram (car) <<< 電車
市外電話: shigaidenwa: out-of-town call <<< 電話
市外局番: shigaikyokuban: area code, STD code
related words: 郊外 , 市内

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