Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Direct access: 片端 , 彼方 , 下方 , 外部 , 起立 , 近隣 , 後方 , 此所 , 此方 , 最上


pronunciation: katahashi, katappashi, katawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , medicine
translation: one edge [end, side], deformity, mal-formation, deformed [maimed, disabled] person, cripple, odd [incomplete] set
片端から: katahashikara, katappashikara: one by one, one after another, one and all
片端に寄る: katahashiniyoru: step aside <<<
片端の: katawano: deformed, maimed, lame, disabled, crippled, odd
related words: 片側


pronunciation: kanata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: over there, yonder
彼方の: kanatano: beyond, yonder (a.)
彼方に: kanatani: over there, yonder (adv.)
遥か彼方に: harukakanatani: far off [away], in the distance <<<
海の彼方に: uminokanatani: beyond [across] the sea <<<
山の彼方に: yamanokanatani: beyond the mountain <<<


pronunciation: kahou, shimokata
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: lower part
下方の: kahouno: downward (a.), lower
下方に: kahouni: below, downward (adv.)
下方修正: kahoushuusei: downward revision [adjustment] <<< 修正
related words: 上方


pronunciation: gaibu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: outside (n.), external (n.), outward (n.)
外部の: gaibuno: outside (a.), external (a.), outward (a.)
外部で: gaibude: outside (adv.), externally
外部の人: gaibunohito: outsider <<<
外部に漏らす: gaibunimorasu: leak out, reveal <<<
外部監査: gaibukansa: external audit <<< 監査
外部犯行: gaibuhankou: crime committed by an outsider <<< 犯行
related words: 内部


pronunciation: kiritsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: standing-up, rising
起立する: kiritsusuru: stand up, rise
起立採決: kiritsusaiketsu: standing [rising] vote
起立投票: kiritsutouhyou <<< 投票


pronunciation: kinrin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: neighborhood, vicinity
近隣の: kinrinnno: neighboring, nearby
synonyms: 近所


pronunciation: kouhou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , war
translation: rear (n.)
後方の: kouhouno: rear (a.), backward
後方に: kouhouni: backward, in the rear (of)
後方基地: kouhoukichi: rear base <<< 基地
後方勤務: kouhoukinmu: rear service <<< 勤務
後方部隊: kouhoubutai: troops in the rear, rearguard <<< 部隊
related words: 前方


pronunciation: koko
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 此処
keyword: position
translation: here, this place
此所に: kokoni: here, in this place
此所から: kokokara: from here, from this place [point]
此所まで: kokomade: up to this place, thus [so] far, as far as here
此所らに: kokorani: hereabouts, about [around] here, in this neighborhood
此所いらに: kokoirani
此所の: kokono: local, of this place
此所彼所: kokokashiko: here and there, everywhere <<< 彼所
此所数日: kokosuujitsu: lately, recently <<< 数日 , 最近
related words: 此方


pronunciation: kochira
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: this place, here, this side, this direction, this way
此方へ: kochirae: here, hither, this way
此方へどうぞ: kochiraedouzo: This way please
此方は: kochirawa: this is
此方はスミスです: kochirawasumisudesu: This is Mr. Smith calling [speaking]
此方こそ: kochirakoso: The pleasure is all mine
此方側に: kochiragawani: on this side <<<
川の此方側に: kawanokochiragawani: on this side of the river <<<


pronunciation: saijou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: best, finest, supreme
最上の: saijouno
最上級: saijoukyuu: graduating class, superlative degree <<<
最上品: saijouhin: the best product, the finest article <<<
最上階: saijoukai: the highest floor <<<

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