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Direct access: 演説 , 応援 , 王室 , 欧州 , 応答 , 大物 , 汚職 , 覚書 , 開会 , 改革


pronunciation: enzetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: (public) speech, address, oration, lecture, public speaking
演説する: enzetsusuru: make an address, discourse, speak
演説者: enzetsusha: speaker, orator <<<
演説会: enzetsukai: speech meeting <<<
演説法: enzetsuhou: rhetoric <<<
演説口調: enzetsukuchou: declamatory tone <<< 口調


pronunciation: ouen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , politics
translation: aid (n.), assistance, support, reinforcements, cheering, rooting
応援する: ouensuru: aid (v.), assist, support, back up, reinforce, encourage, cheer, root
応援歌: ouenka: supporter song <<<
応援団: ouendan: party of rooters, cheering party <<<
応援団長: ouendanchou: cheerleader, head rooter <<< 団長
応援演説: ouennenzetsu: campaign speech <<< 演説
related words: 支援 , エール


pronunciation: oushitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: royal family [household]
related words: 王家


pronunciation: oushuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: europe , politics
translation: Europe
欧州の: oushuuno: European
欧州議会: oushuugikai: European Parliament <<< 議会
欧州連合: oushuurengou: European Union <<< 連合
欧州共同体: oushuukyoudoutai: European Community
欧州委員会: oushuuiinkai: European Commission
欧州市場: oushuushijou: European market <<< 市場
欧州通貨: oushuutsuuka: European currency <<< 通貨
欧州諸国: oushuushokoku: European countries
synonyms: ヨーロッパ


pronunciation: outou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: response, reply (n.), answer
応答する: outousuru: reply (v.), answer
related words: 回答 , 返事


pronunciation: oomono
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , crime
translation: leading figure, big shot
大物が掛かる: oomonogakakaru: catch a big one <<<
大物を仕留める: oomonooshitomeru


pronunciation: oshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , crime
translation: official corruption, bribery
汚職する: oshokusuru: receive a bribe, graft
汚職事件: oshokujiken: corruption [bribery] case <<< 事件
汚職行為: oshokukoui: corrupt practice <<< 行為
汚職政治: oshokuseiji: corrupt politics <<< 政治
汚職役人: oshokuyakunin: corrupt official <<< 役人
汚職官吏: oshokukanri <<< 官吏
related words: 贈賄


pronunciation: oboegaki
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 覚え書
keyword: politics
translation: memorandum, memo, note
覚書を送る: oboegakiookuru: send a memo (to) <<<
覚書の交換: oboegakinokoukan: exchange of notes <<< 交換
覚書を交換する: oboegakiokoukansuru: exchange notes
related words: メモ


pronunciation: kaikai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , politics
translation: opening of a meeting [a session], inauguration
開会する: kaikaisuru: open a meeting [a session], inaugurate
開会の辞: kaikainoji: opening address <<<
開会中: kaikaichuu: during the session <<<
開会式: kaikaishiki: opening ceremony, inauguration <<<
開会日: kaikaibi: opening day <<<
antonyms: 閉会


pronunciation: kaikaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics
translation: reform (n.), reformation, innovation
改革する: kaikakusuru: reform (v.)
改革的: kaikakuteki: reformist (a.), innovatory, innovative <<<
改革者: kaikakusha: reformer <<<
改革派: kaikakuha: reformist group <<<
改革案: kaikakuan: reforming plan <<<
改革主義: kaikakushugi: reformism <<< 主義
related words: 改善

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