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Direct access: 添状 , 着信 , 追伸 , 通信 , 通知 , 添書 , 転送 , 添付 , 伝言 , 伝達


pronunciation: soejou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 添え状
keyword: communication
translation: attached letter


pronunciation: chakushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: arrival of a mail [a call]
着信音: chakushinon: ringtone <<<


pronunciation: tsuishin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: postscript
related words: 後書


pronunciation: tsuushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: correspondence, communication, news, information
通信する: tsuushinsuru: correspond, communicate
通信簿: tsuushinbo: school report <<< 簿
通信員: tsuushinnin: correspondent <<<
通信社: tsuushinsha: news agency <<<
通信網: tsuushinmou: network of news service <<<
通信欄: tsuushinran: correspondence columns <<<
通信費: tsuushinhi: communication expenses <<<
通信販売: tsuushinhanbai: mail-order <<< 販売 , 通販
通信教育: tsuushinkyouiku: correspondence course <<< 教育
通信講座: tsuushinkouza <<< 講座
通信衛星: tsuushinneisei: communication satellite <<< 衛星
通信機関: tsuushinkikan: communication service <<< 機関
synonyms: 交信 , 伝達


pronunciation: tsuuchi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: report, notice, notification, information
通知する: tsuuchisuru: inform, notify, give notice, let know, communicate
通知を受ける: tsuuchioukeru: receive notice, be notified [informed] <<<
通知表: tsuuchihyou: report card, school report <<<
通知簿: tsuuchibo <<< 簿
通知状: tsuuchijou: notice, letter of advice, announcement <<<
通知書: tsuuchisho: notification <<<
通知貯金: tsuuchichokin: deposit at call notice <<< 貯金
related words: 報告 , レポート


pronunciation: tensho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: letter of recommendation [reference], letter of introduction
synonyms: 添状


pronunciation: tensou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: transmission, forwarding
転送する: tensousuru: transmit, forward, send on
転送先: tensousaki: forwarding address <<<


pronunciation: tenpu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: addition, addendum, attachment
添付する: tenpusuru: annex, append, attach
添付書類: tenpushorui: attached [accompanying] documents [papers] <<< 書類


pronunciation: dengon
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: verbal message
伝言する: dengonsuru: send a person word, give a message, bring a person word
伝言を伝える: dengonnotsutaeru <<<
伝言板: dengonban: message board <<<


pronunciation: dentatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: communication
translation: communication, transmission, delivery, circulation
伝達する: dentatsusuru: communicate, transmit, deliver, circulate
伝達者: dentatsusha: transmitter (person) <<<
related words: 送信

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