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Direct access: 三位 , 賛美 , 懺悔 , 司教 , 使徒 , 修道 , 祝福 , 神学 , 新教 , 神聖


pronunciation: sanni, sanmi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: the third grade [place]
三位一体: sanmiittai: Trinity <<< 一体
三位一体の: sanmiittaino: Trinitarian
三位一体説: sanmiittaisetsu: Trinitarianism <<<


pronunciation: sanbi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 讃美
keyword: christianity
translation: praise (n.), adoration, glorification
賛美する: sanbisuru: praise, adore, extol, glorify, sing a person's praises
賛美者: sanbisha: admirer, adorer <<<
賛美歌: sanbika: hymn, psalm <<<
賛美歌を歌う: sanbikaoutau: sing a hymn <<<
賛美歌集: sanbikashuu: hymnbook, hymnal <<<


pronunciation: zange
kanji characters:
keyword: christianity
translation: confession, penitence, repentance
懺悔する: zangesuru: confess, be penitent, repent, be repentant, be contrite
懺悔者: zangesha: penitent <<<
懺悔話: zangebanashi: confession <<<
懺悔所: zangesho: confessional box <<<
synonyms: 告白


pronunciation: shikyouza
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , history
translation: bishop
司教の: shikyouno: episcopal, pontifical
司教座: shikyouza: bishopric, pontificate <<<
大司教: daishikyou: archbishop <<<


pronunciation: shito
kanji characters: 使 ,
keyword: christianity
translation: apostle, disciple
使徒の: shitono: apostolic
使徒職: shitoshoku: apostolate <<<
使徒行伝: shitogyouden: the Act of the Apostles


pronunciation: shuudou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: religious training
修道院: shuudouin: monastery, cloister, convent <<<
修道院長: shuudouinchou: abbot, abbess <<< 院長
修道僧: shuudousou: monk, friar <<< , モンク
修道士: shuudoushi <<<
修道士の服: shuudoushinohuku: frock <<<
修道士の頭巾: shuudoushinozukin <<< 頭巾
修道尼: shuudouni: nun <<<
修道女: shuudoujo: sister <<<
修道生活: shuudouseikatsu: monastic life <<< 生活
related words: 修行


pronunciation: shukuhuku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: blessing, benediction, beatitude
祝福する: shukuhukusuru: bless, beatify
祝福された: shukuhukusareta: blessed
祝福を受ける: shukuhukuoukeru: have sb's blessing <<<


pronunciation: shingaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity , education
translation: theology, divinity
神学の: shingakuno: theological
神学上の: shingakujouno <<<
神学校: shingakkou: seminary, theological school <<<
神学生: shingakusei: seminarist, seminarian <<<
神学者: shingakusha: theologian <<<
神学部: shingakubu: faculty of theology <<<
神学博士: shinkakuhakushi: doctor of divinity <<< 博士


pronunciation: shinkyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: Protestantism, Evangelism, new religion
新教徒: shinkyouto: Protestant, evangelical Christian, Evangelical (n.) <<<
synonyms: プロテスタント
antonyms: 旧教


pronunciation: shinsei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: christianity
translation: sacredness, sanctity
神聖な: shinseina: holy, sacred, divine
神聖にする: shinseinisuru: make holy, consecrate, sanctify
神聖を汚す: shinseiokegasu: defile [violate] the sanctity (of), profane <<<
神聖を冒す: shinseiookasu <<<
神聖ローマ帝国: shinseiroomateikoku: Holy Roman Empire

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