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Direct access: 御負け , 卸売 , 開業 , 会社 , 買付け , 買主 , 買戻し , 解約 , 書入れ , 格安


pronunciation: omake
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 御まけ
keyword: business
translation: extra, premium, discount
御負けに: omakeni: in addition, besides, moreover
御負けする: omakesuru: give a discount


pronunciation: oroshiuri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: wholesale
卸売業: oroshiurigyou: wholesale business <<<
卸売価格: oroshiurikakaku: wholesale price <<< 価格
卸売業者: oroshiurigyousha: wholesaler, distributor <<< 業者
卸売市場: oroshiurishijou: wholesale market <<< 市場


pronunciation: kaigyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: opening of a business [shop], commencement of business
開業する: kaigyousuru: open business, set oneself up as, start practice
開業医: kaigyoui: medical practitioner <<<
開業免許: kaigyoumenkyo: license to practice <<< 免許
synonyms: 開店


pronunciation: kaisha
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: company, firm, corporation, office
会社の: kaishano: company (a.)
会社に入る: kaishanihairu: enter a company <<<
会社に勤める: kaishanitsutomeru: serve in [work for] a company <<<
会社を辞める: kaishaoyameru: quit one's job, leave a company <<<
会社員: kaishain: employee of a company <<<
会社法: kaishahou: company law, corporation law <<<
会社名: kaishamei: corporate name <<<
会社組織: kaishasoshiki: company system <<< 組織
会社更生法: kaishakouseihou: Company Rehabilitation Law
子会社: kogaisha: subsidiary company <<<
親会社: oyagaisha: parent [holding] company <<<
synonyms: 事業 , 企業


pronunciation: kaitsuke
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 買い付け
keyword: business
translation: buying (for one´s account), purchase (n.), indent
買付ける: kaitsukeru: buy, purchase (v.)
買付けの店: kaitsukenomise: one's favorite store <<<
related words: 買物


pronunciation: kainushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 買い主
keyword: business
translation: buyer, purchaser


pronunciation: kaimodoshi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 買い戻し
keyword: business
translation: repurchase, short covering


pronunciation: kaiyaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , law
translation: cancellation of a contract
解約する: kaiyakusuru: cancel a contract
解約料: kaiyakuryou: cancellation fee <<<
related words: 契約


pronunciation: kakiire
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 書き入れ
keyword: business
translation: entry, (marginal) note
書入れる: kakiireru: write in, make an entry (into), fill out the blank, fill up [in] the form
書入れ時: kakiiredoki, <<<
書入れ日: kakiirebi <<<


pronunciation: kakuyasu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business , travel
translation: bargain price
格安な: kakuyasuna: bargain (a.), cheap
格安に: kakuyasuni: at a bargain
格安品: kakuyasuhin: bargain (article) <<<
格安航空券: kakuyasukoukuuken: discount airline ticket
格安チケット: kakuyasuchiketto

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