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category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 8
translation: younger [little] sister
妹: imouto
妹: imo

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 8
translation: older [elder, big] sister
姉: ane
姉さん: neesan: My (elder) sister, Miss (waitress)

category: to learn in school
other spells: 狒
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 9
translation: alone, independent, Germany (pref., suff.)
doku, toku
独り: hitori: alone, independent <<< 一人
独りで: hitoride: alone, by oneself <<< 単独 , 独立
独りで来る: hitoridekuru: come alone <<<
独りで暮らす: hitoridekurasu: live alone, remain single <<<
独りでに: hitorideni: of itself, of its own accord, spontaneously, automatically <<< 自動
synonyms: ドイツ

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 9
translation: ancestor, grandfather, beginning, start, origin
祖: jiji: old man, grandfather <<<
祖め: hajime: beginning, start, origin <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 10
translation: grandchild, grandson, granddaughter
孫: mago

category: to learn in school
keyword: family , house
Number of strokes: 10
translation: house, dwelling, residence, home, family
ka, ke
家: ie
家の無い: ienonai: homeless <<<
家の中で: ienonakade: inside the house, indoors <<<
家の外で: ienosotode: outside the house, outdoors <<<
家に居る: ieniiru: stay at home <<<
家に居ない: ieniinai: be out, be away from home <<<
家に帰る: ienikaeru: go [return] home <<<
家を持つ: ieomotsu: make one's home, settle down <<<
家を空ける: ieoakeru: vacate a house, stay out <<<
家: uchi: house, home <<<
家: ya: pers.
synonyms: , , ホーム

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 11
translation: wife, woman
婦: yome: bride, wife, daughter-in-law <<<
婦: onnna: woman, female <<<

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 11
translation: arrowhead, tribe (bor.), folk, clan, people
族: yajiri: arrowhead
族: yakara: tribe, folk, clan, people

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 16
translation: parents, familiar, close (a.)
親しい: shitashii: familiar, close, intimate
親しく: shitashiku: intimately, personally, in person
親しく成る: shitashikunaru: become intimate [make friends] (with) <<<
親しむ: shitashimu: become intimate
親しみ: shitashimi: friendship, familiarity, intimacy, affection
親しみの有る: shitashiminoaru: familiar, friendly, intimate, affectionate <<<
親しみの無い: shitashiminonai: unfamiliar, strange, unfriendly, cold <<<
親: oya: parents
親の無い: oyanonai: parentless, fatherless, motherless <<<
親の脛を齧る: oyanosuneokajiru: sponge [live, hang] on one's parents
親ら: mizukara: in person, personally <<<
親: mi, miru, yori, chika: pers.

category: common usage
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 8
translation: uncle
叔: oji

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