ページ番号: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18
直接アクセス: , , , , , , , , ,

画数: 7
翻訳:body, person, oneself
シン, ケン
身: み: body, person, oneself, heart, soul
身ら: みずから: personally, in person, oneself
身も心も: みもこころも: body and soul <<<
身に着ける: みにつける: carry (a thing) about [on] one, wear, don <<<
身に付ける: みにつける: wear, learn (an art), acquire (culture, skill in an art) <<<
身を任せる: みをまかせる: put oneself into a person's hands, give [submit] oneself to so., yield to (temptation) <<<
身を投じる: みをとうじる: go in for (a carrier), enter upon (a carrier), join <<<
身を処する: みをしょする: conduct oneself <<<
身を滅ぼす: みをほろぼす: ruin oneself <<<
身を売る: みをうる: sell [sacrifice] oneself, prostitute oneself <<<
身を固める: みをかためる: settle down (to some business, to a married life) <<<
身を入れる: みをいれる: put one's heart [back] into (a task) <<<
身に沁みる: みにしみる: touch [go to] one's heart, come home (to one), feel deeply <<<
身に余る: みにあまる: more than one deserved, undeserved [unmerited] (praise) <<<
身の程を知る: みのほどをしる: know one's own place [position], know what one is
身の毛が弥立つ: みのけがよだつ: One's hair stands on end, make a person's hair stand on end
身も蓋も無い: みもふたもない: blunt; to the point; direct; outspoken; frank
身から出た錆: みからでたさび: own guilt, We only reap what we sow

キーワード: 飲物 ,
画数: 8
翻訳:milk, teat
ニュウ, ジュ
乳: ちち, ち
乳を吸う: ちちをすう: suck (its mother's) milk <<<
乳を飲む: ちちをのむ <<<
乳を搾る: ちちをしぼる: milk (v.) <<<
乳が張る: ちちがはる: Breasts swell <<<
同意語: ミルク

画数: 9
翻訳:breast, chest, bust
胸: むね: breast, chest, bust, bosom, heart, mind
胸が一杯に成る: むねがいっぱいになる: feel like weeping, have a lump in one's throat
胸が空く: むねがすく: feel refreshed [satisfied] <<<
胸が焼ける: むねがやける: have a heartburn, nauseate <<<
胸が悪く成る: むねがわるくなる: feel sick (at the stomach)
胸に抱く: むねにいだく: press against his [her] chest <<<
胸に浮かぶ: むねにうかぶ: flash across one's mind, occur to one <<<
胸に応える: むねにこたえる: go home to one's heart <<<
胸に秘める: むねにひめる: keep (a matter) to oneself <<<
胸を痛める: むねをいためる: trouble [worry] oneself (about), grieve [feel grief] (at, for, about) <<<
胸を打つ: むねをうつ: move, touch, impress <<<
胸を打たれる: むねをうたれる: be moved, be touched, be impressed <<<
胸を撫で下ろす: むねをなでおろす: feel a weight off one's mind, feel relieved
胸を張る: むねをはる: throw out one's chest <<<
同意語: バスト

画数: 9
翻訳:head, neck, beginning, start
シュ, ス, シュウ
首: くび: head, neck
首め: はじめ: beginning, start, outset, commence <<<
首: おさ: chief, leader <<<
首の長い: くびのながい: long-necked <<<
首の短い: くびのみじかい: short-necked <<<
首を伸ばす: くびをのばす: crane one's neck <<<
首を出す: くびをだす: stick [poke] one's head out of <<<
首を括る: くびをくくる: hang oneself <<<
首に成る: くびになる: be fired, get the sack <<<
首にする: くびにする: fire, give (a person) the sack
首を切る: くびをきる: cut off a person's head, behead (a person), fire, give (a person) the sack <<<
首を振る: くびをふる: shake one's head, nod, assent <<<
首を捻る: くびをひねる: put one's head on one side, think hard, be not sure <<<
首を傾げる: くびをかしげる <<<
関連語: ,

キーワード: , 数学
画数: 9
翻訳:face, surface
面: かお: face <<<
面: つら
面: おも, おもて: face, surface <<<

画数: 9
翻訳:finger, toe

指: ゆび
指す: さす: point to [indicate] (with the finger)
指で弄る: ゆびでいじる: touch with a finger <<<
指で触る: ゆびでさわる <<<
指で引く: ゆびでひく: play with the fingers <<<
指で数える: ゆびでかぞえる: count on one's fingers <<<
指で弾く: ゆびではじく: flip <<<
指を鳴らす: ゆびをならす: snap one's fingers <<<
指を銜える: ゆびをくわえる: bitterly regret sth. <<<
指に填める: ゆびにはめる: put [wear] (a ring) on a finger <<<
指の腹: ゆびのはら: ball [bulb] of a finger <<<
指の先: ゆびのさき: fingertip <<< , 指先
指の爪: ゆびのつめ: fingernail <<<

画数: 9
翻訳:disobey, revolt, rebel, betray, back
背: せ, せい: back, height (jp.)
背の高い: せのたかい, せいのたかい: tall, of high stature <<<
背の低い: せのひくい, せいのひくい: small, of low stature <<<
背が立つ: せがたつ: be able to stand (in water) <<<
背が立たない: せがたたない: be unable to stand (in water) <<<
背に腹は代えられぬ: せにはらはかえられぬ: Necessity is a hard master, My shirt is nearer the skin than my coat
背負う: せおう, しょう: carry [have] (a thing) on the back, shoulder (v.) <<<
背負わせる: せおわせる, しょわせる: load, burden (a person with a thing) <<<
背く: そむく: act contrary to, go against, disobey, break, violate, revolt [rebel] (against), rise [turn] against, betray <<< 裏切
背: うしろ: behind, back <<<

画数: 11
翻訳:eye, vision
ガン, ゲン
眼: まなこ: eye
眼: め: eye, vision <<<

画数: 12
翻訳:muscle, sinews, tendon, fiber, vein
キン, コン
筋: すじ: muscle, sinews, tendon, fiber, vein, line (jp.), plot of a play, reason, logic, source, quarter, aptitude
筋を違える: すじをたがえる: sprain <<<
筋違いの: すじちがいの: skewed, oblique, weird, twisted, crooked, askew, unjust, unreasonable <<<
筋の多い肉: すじのおおいにく: stringy meat
筋を取る: すじをとる: chop [mince] (meat), string (beans) <<<
筋を通す: すじをとおす: stick to one's reasonable arguments, do not give in to unreasonable demands <<<
筋が良い: すじがよい, すじがいい: have an aptitude (for) <<<

画数: 12
翻訳:tooth, age (conf.)

歯: は: tooth, cog
歯: よわい: age <<<
歯の: はの: dental
歯が生える: はがはえる: cut a tooth, teethe <<<
歯が抜ける: はがぬける: A tooth falls out, loose a tooth <<<
歯が良い: はがいい: have good teeth <<<
歯が悪い: はがわるい: have bad teeth <<<
歯が痛む: はがいたむ: have a toothache <<< , 歯痛
歯の無い: はがない: toothless <<<
歯の鋭い: はのするどい: sharp-toothed <<<
歯を食い縛る: はをくいしばる: set [clench] one's teeth
歯を磨く: はをみがく: clean [brush] one's teeth <<<
歯の付いた: はのついた: toothed, cogged <<<
歯が立たない: はがたたない: be too much for one, be more than one can cope <<<
歯に衣を着せぬ: はにきぬをきせぬ: do not mince matters [one's words]
歯痒い: はがゆい: feel impatient, be irritated (at), be irritating <<<
歯を剥き出す: はをむきだす: grin

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